Leave It Here
We only have a set amount of time to live here.
We should make the most out the time that we do have, and leave something of value here for our follow man.
Some people say, I will do it tomorrow but tomorrow may never come.
I think it is our duty to do our best every day and make the most out of out time.
You can not take you time with you, so use it for the best while you are here, and leave your fellow man a little better off.
We all have gifts, talents and abilities that fit into who we are.
We should not limit our talents for what we will leave to mankind based, in part, on money.
There is an old saying that says money is not everything.
Do not limit what you will do to service mankind on how money you can make; there is a higher judge that can pay you an eternal wage.
We should use our gifts, talents and abilities wisely, and not always with respect to the dollar.
I will say it like this, "A talent is a terrible thing to waste".
Your time is your time.
Do not allow your time to be wasted in hopes of chasing the money trail.
There are plenty of people who can enjoy your talents and gifts.
We should make time use our talents and gifts to create lasting memory for our friends and love ones.
We must place a higher value on our time.
We should treat our time as a precious gift for building a memory.
Use your time to leave something of value here for your fellow man.
The night of life comes for us all sooner or later; we all have a check out time.
I believe it is best to labor for the good of our fellow man while we are here.
We all have a time when the door will shut, lights out.
We owe it to ourselves to live in such a way that we will be remembered for good and not bad.
We should live each day as if there will be no more days.
When the door closes, we can add no more.
In the end, my advice is to never stop the train of life.
Do the best you can mankind while you are here.
Time will not wait for us to decide to get involve, time it will just keep on going Marching.
Today could be your last day in the land of the living.
We should leave our best here while we have the breath to do so.
Get on the train of life.
We owe it all humanity to leave our very best for all to see and enjoy.
We should make the most out the time that we do have, and leave something of value here for our follow man.
Some people say, I will do it tomorrow but tomorrow may never come.
I think it is our duty to do our best every day and make the most out of out time.
You can not take you time with you, so use it for the best while you are here, and leave your fellow man a little better off.
We all have gifts, talents and abilities that fit into who we are.
We should not limit our talents for what we will leave to mankind based, in part, on money.
There is an old saying that says money is not everything.
Do not limit what you will do to service mankind on how money you can make; there is a higher judge that can pay you an eternal wage.
We should use our gifts, talents and abilities wisely, and not always with respect to the dollar.
I will say it like this, "A talent is a terrible thing to waste".
Your time is your time.
Do not allow your time to be wasted in hopes of chasing the money trail.
There are plenty of people who can enjoy your talents and gifts.
We should make time use our talents and gifts to create lasting memory for our friends and love ones.
We must place a higher value on our time.
We should treat our time as a precious gift for building a memory.
Use your time to leave something of value here for your fellow man.
The night of life comes for us all sooner or later; we all have a check out time.
I believe it is best to labor for the good of our fellow man while we are here.
We all have a time when the door will shut, lights out.
We owe it to ourselves to live in such a way that we will be remembered for good and not bad.
We should live each day as if there will be no more days.
When the door closes, we can add no more.
In the end, my advice is to never stop the train of life.
Do the best you can mankind while you are here.
Time will not wait for us to decide to get involve, time it will just keep on going Marching.
Today could be your last day in the land of the living.
We should leave our best here while we have the breath to do so.
Get on the train of life.
We owe it all humanity to leave our very best for all to see and enjoy.