Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

GLX Technology For Skin

Since the early mankind the researchers are in search of better ways for skin care. They have developed many formulas time to time but the search is still not over. Now days there are many products available in the market which are very effective for obtaining beautiful, glowing and nourished skin. The latest GLX technology is also a result of this constant study and research. It has many positive effective as per beauty point of view.

VIVITÉ and its GLX technology actually contain glycolic acid, a member of alpha hydroxyl acid family. Acids of this family have been used as skin tonics for hundreds of years. They are very powerful in recovering aging effects from the skin. They weaken the binding characteristic of fats which hold dead cells of skin and let the underlying layer come up with new cells. They also reduce the excessive amount of oil from epidermis so that the pimples, age spots and other skin impurities can be removed.

Glycolic acid is considered the best for skin use among all alpha hydroxyl acids. It is so because it has the smallest molecular size so it can penetrate deep inside the skin easily. After a study of more than 10 years the scientists have become able to buffer the pH of glycolic acid and raised it closer to pH of skin. This process of buffering is called partial neutralization. VIVITÉ range contains the partial neutralization technology in it to cure the skin from aging effects. This partial neutralization maintains the balance of skin pH so that it cannot get contaminated with impurities from atmosphere.

In the VIVITÉ series the GLX technology is made by combining the glycolic acid with natural antioxidants. These antioxidants make a guard against ultra violet rays of sun while glycolic acid goes deep inside the skin and replaces dead cells with new cells. This makes the skin firm, tight and makes it look young without any age spot or pimples. GLX technology impulses the production of hyaluronic acid and also enhances the collagen growth.

VIVITÉ can be applied at home safely or in a physician's office. The sale of product at open counter is allowed and legal as it is never harmful to any user. You may massage it daily at home and include the daily facial in the treatment. The guard made by VIVITÉ protects you from UV rays of sun and produces an anti aging effect. It also makes skin look younger. There are many other options to use the product which can be read from the product guide.

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