Should You Let Your Marriage End? A Few Reasons Why You Should
Sometimes it's easy to become blinded from the truth.
When you love somebody or have devoted your life and time to that person, emotion normally will over ride your logic.
It's hard to make sense of things and every body whose trying to talk any sense into you, seems to have some hidden agenda to make sure you and your spouse never last.
But, have you ever thought that maybe those people are right? Should you let your marriage end? Who do you trust? Are those people really out to get you or do they have some points worth taking into consideration? These are just some of the questions you might be asking yourself or have come up at one point or another.
But, how do you know they are in your best interest? Here's a few reasons that you should maybe listen to those friends, family and associates that may have been pushing the issue while you've remained blinded to the truth.
Are you in an abusive relationship? Dig down really deep for the answer to this one.
Just because you're not being physically abused, doesn't mean that you're not being abused.
There's a whole list of abuse, mainly mentally and physically.
The physical abuse can't be ignored, it's right there in your face and the whole world normally get's wind of it or can see the marks.
And, if you're in this type of marriage, than yes, without a doubt you should let this marriage end.
No matter what the excuse, there isn't one that will ever be good enough to condone or allow this type of behavior.
So, if you're friends and family are rushing you out of this one, it's for good reason.
Now, mental abuse can be a tricky one.
It's more subjective or in the eye of the beholder so to speak.
We all have different opinions on this, and isn't as clear cut or obvious as physical abuse.
But, if mentally you're being broken, losing your self-esteem or being pushed to the point where you've become a zombie of a servant to your spouse then it's a good possibility that what you're friends and family are saying has some merit.
No marriage should be made up of one spouse who has all the control, or keeps you.
You should have just as much freedom and say so as them.
Another good reason to let your marriage end, is if you're spouse has a history of being less than faithful.
You may have even given your spouse a few chances even after they've messed up a time or two.
But, as hard as it may be to face or come to terms with, they're most likely going to do it again and obviously didn't take the same vows you took as serious.
If you're spouse has continued to behave this way, then let them go.
There's no sense in going through this again, and again.
Worrying yourself everyday over what they're doing, if you're going to get another call or find out from a friend they've been cheating.
They're not serious about marriage, and you can't continue to put yourself and your family through this.
It may be difficult at first, buy you'll be so much happier to let them go and move on with your life to find someone who takes marriage just as serious as you do.
So hopefully that helps shed some light on the friends and family that have been trying to talk some sense into you if you're going through one of those relationships, marked with abuse or cheating.
But, if your marriage problems have nothing to do with any of these, then it's probably worth fighting for.
If you'd like to find out some steps that could help you save your marriage, keep reading.
When you love somebody or have devoted your life and time to that person, emotion normally will over ride your logic.
It's hard to make sense of things and every body whose trying to talk any sense into you, seems to have some hidden agenda to make sure you and your spouse never last.
But, have you ever thought that maybe those people are right? Should you let your marriage end? Who do you trust? Are those people really out to get you or do they have some points worth taking into consideration? These are just some of the questions you might be asking yourself or have come up at one point or another.
But, how do you know they are in your best interest? Here's a few reasons that you should maybe listen to those friends, family and associates that may have been pushing the issue while you've remained blinded to the truth.
Are you in an abusive relationship? Dig down really deep for the answer to this one.
Just because you're not being physically abused, doesn't mean that you're not being abused.
There's a whole list of abuse, mainly mentally and physically.
The physical abuse can't be ignored, it's right there in your face and the whole world normally get's wind of it or can see the marks.
And, if you're in this type of marriage, than yes, without a doubt you should let this marriage end.
No matter what the excuse, there isn't one that will ever be good enough to condone or allow this type of behavior.
So, if you're friends and family are rushing you out of this one, it's for good reason.
Now, mental abuse can be a tricky one.
It's more subjective or in the eye of the beholder so to speak.
We all have different opinions on this, and isn't as clear cut or obvious as physical abuse.
But, if mentally you're being broken, losing your self-esteem or being pushed to the point where you've become a zombie of a servant to your spouse then it's a good possibility that what you're friends and family are saying has some merit.
No marriage should be made up of one spouse who has all the control, or keeps you.
You should have just as much freedom and say so as them.
Another good reason to let your marriage end, is if you're spouse has a history of being less than faithful.
You may have even given your spouse a few chances even after they've messed up a time or two.
But, as hard as it may be to face or come to terms with, they're most likely going to do it again and obviously didn't take the same vows you took as serious.
If you're spouse has continued to behave this way, then let them go.
There's no sense in going through this again, and again.
Worrying yourself everyday over what they're doing, if you're going to get another call or find out from a friend they've been cheating.
They're not serious about marriage, and you can't continue to put yourself and your family through this.
It may be difficult at first, buy you'll be so much happier to let them go and move on with your life to find someone who takes marriage just as serious as you do.
So hopefully that helps shed some light on the friends and family that have been trying to talk some sense into you if you're going through one of those relationships, marked with abuse or cheating.
But, if your marriage problems have nothing to do with any of these, then it's probably worth fighting for.
If you'd like to find out some steps that could help you save your marriage, keep reading.