How to Remove Athlete's Foot Fungus From a Bathroom
1Remove all mats and towels from the bathroom that may have come in contact with the infection. Wash and dry these thoroughly.
Keep bathroom linens clean and dry to inhibit athlete's foot from re-inhabiting them. Replace towels regularly and wash bath mats as soon as they start to get damp.
Wash the surfaces in the bathroom using hot, soapy water. If someone in your home currently has athlete's foot then you need to do this every time they shower or use the tub.
Use a diluted bleach solution to sanitize shower and tub floors. If the floor of your bathroom is tiled then use the bleach solution on it as well.
Make sure your bathroom surfaces stay dry to inhibit athlete's foot fungus from re-infecting anyone in your home. This fungus cannot live on a dry surface, so don't give it any moisture to thrive in.