Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Energy Sinks Without Power Drinks - For Less Snore Learn More!

You know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to exercise some days.
It can feel like your carrying a lead weight around on your shoulders.
Not only that, but if you really push yourself and do the workout, you can feel exhausted for hours afterwards.
Even fit people use power drinks to give themselves a burst of energy now and again, after all we're not machines, we have our good days and our not so good days.
Fortunately there are a few things you can do to work around these attacks of the exercise blues.
In this article I want to offer some dietary tips and add a little encouragement to keep you on your health and fitness goals.
Diet obviously plays a big part in how you feel on a daily basis.
It doesn't take a lot of head scratching to remember how having that extra helping of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, can give more pain than pleasure.
Quantity overrules quality you could say.
In other words, no matter how good for you the food is in terms of nutrition and quality, if you eat too much it's like poison in the system.
Your actually better off eating less than you feel you need to be satisfied.
The rule is to wait 5 minutes when prompted for repeat helpings, because most times our digestive system is slow to send out the message that we're full.
Don't eat too late into the evening if you want to find the energy the next morning.
If you do eat late it's a good idea to go for a 15-20 minute walk to help digest the food before going to bed.
Otherwise that meal is going to lie around in your stomach and take away from a good nights sleep.
Oh, and a good nights sleep is another tip to having more energy for your exercise routine.
Something else to consider are power drinks, because good quality power drinks provide extra nutritional ingredients to overcome muscle and mental fatigue.
They provide you with that extra burst of energy by increasing muscle performance and recovery time so that after your workout you feel relaxed, mentally focused and ready to take on the world.
Power drinks are one thing, but power energy bars are another consideration.
A good power energy bar or cookie can provide extra protein to help build muscle and extra muscle is going to help take the sting out of exercise.
Anyone who is into bodybuilding needs plenty of high quality protein in their diet.
There are many different products on the market that address these issues, some are more expensive than others but look for something with low sodium and low sugar.
Sugar is one of those non-foods that has little dietary value but can have a marked negative impact on energy level.
Excess sugar in the blood causes the release of insulin which drives down sugar levels increasing appetite and food craving.
It can become a vicious circle for anyone who is on a diet to lose weight.
Some of the well known brands of power drinks have lots of sugar and sodium so just be aware and read labels if you want to avoid the see-saw of a burst of energy followed by fatigue and hunger.
One last thing regarding power drinks, you will find drinks that you should take either before, during or after exercise so once again, pay attention to the label to make sure you are using the product appropriately.
Power drinks and power energy bars can provide us with that extra ignition of energy we need to help us with our fitness goals.
We have experienced those days when the thought of exercise left us bedridden.
Now, with some judicious choices in our eating and sleeping habits and the introduction of power drinks into our dietary arsenal exercise can become fun and enjoyable and a great social pastime.
Everybody has an off day so don't beat yourself up over it, just know that it takes time and commitment to reach your exercise goals and maybe a few power drinks along the way.

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