Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dating Advice For Women - Know Who You Are And What You Want

One of the hardest things to do when you are a single woman is to really get in touch with who you are and what you want. At the end of the day, relationships are meant to be ways to make our lives better and happier than they already are. That's a key statement there - happier than you ALREADY are. When you are happy being you and you don't need to get other people's validations, you'll find that it is much easier to attract people who fit into who you are and situations that won't cause you any regret.

I find it kind of interesting, not necessarily in a good way, that there are relationship advice forums all over the web where people are more than willing to judge other people and give their opinion on what other people should do when the reality is that most of those people making those judgments and giving their opinions are still pretty lost themselves.

I was just looking at a forum posting where a woman asked an opinion about whether or not she did the right or wrong thing on a first date and the responses were pretty interesting. There was some really bad advice, some obvious and blatant judgments, and not much in the way of advice that was actually very helpful at all.

The thing is, if you know who you are and what you want, you don't need to get the opinions of random strangers who probably aren't very good at relationships themselves. You'll have that inner guidance system that helps you move in the right direction and attract the right people and the right situations into your life.

So, if you are having some doubts or some troubles when it comes to dating, ask yourself these questions:

Who am I?

What do I want?

These are questions that only YOU can give yourself the answer for. When you get opinions from others, you are getting advice that is based on who they are or what they want and half of the time - they don't even know who they are and what they want.

Most women find that when they can really answer those 2 questions, it becomes easier to get themselves into a relationship if that is what they want or to just have some fun dating if that is what they want. When you can't answer those questions - that is when you are going to have trouble and doubts. Remember, people love to judge others and tell others how they should live their life. But, they don't have to live with that advice that they give you. You do.

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