Health & Medical Mental Health

When Does Feeling "Spiritually High" Become Unsafe?

During my therapy work I am often faced with the question, when does feeling 'spiritually high' begin to be unsafe? This is a feeling described to me not just of a sense of happiness, but of an elated feeling, a sense of oneness with everything or a euphoric bliss like state.
This is of course a wonderful state to be in however there is a line that can be crossed where those wonderful energies may be unsafe.
The following article describes what is considered unsafe thinking and actions.
I have included information here to help you remain grounded, if you find you start to feel or act in any of these ways.
I have based this information on my clinical experience and training.
The information should be considered as guidelines only and not taken as medical advice.
Warning Signs If you find you are putting yourself at risk in any of the following ways you may need to seek medical advice.
Neglecting the physical body? Believing you don't need to eat or drink While you are in the physical body you need to make sure that you feed yourself a basic amount of nutrients and water each day.
If you find that you really can't face eating, then at least have a glass of fruit juice or milk to ensure that you receive some nutrients.
If you find that you have not eaten for a couple of days, see your doctor for a meal substitute.
Also if you find you are drinking excessive amounts of water this can be dangerous too; two to three liters of water per day is sufficient.
Believing you don't need to sleep If you find that you miss a full nights sleep and don't catch this up the next day, or feel so energized and think you don't need to sleep at all seek medical help.
If you don't sleep for two full nights you may need to take a sleeping tablet for a short time.
Hygiene If you start to neglect your physical health and hygiene and believe you don't need to care for your body you may need to seek assistance.
Putting yourself at risk? A) Legally? If you find that you are breaking the law or acting in a manner which could get you arrested then you may need to take a step back and monitor your own behavior.
B) Sexually? Sleeping with lots of different people and not taking precautions.
C) Financially? Taking huge financial risks or wanting to sell your home/ possessions for hardly anything or purchasing many items you don't need.
D) Emotionally? Ending a long term relationship suddenly for no reason, when everything has been going well.
What to do if you feel 'too high'? Avoid: Stimulants caffeine, additives, colorants and preservatives in foods and drinks.
Loud music (This will raise your vibration) Intense yoga/ meditation sessions Do not take: Anti-depressants (these are designed to increase synaptic function and will increase your energy etc) Stop smoking medications such as Zyban and Champix (these are anti-depressants) Natural or herbal anti-depressants E.
Hypericum (St Johns Wort) Panadeine forte or other codeine based medications (If you require these medications, try and minimize the amount you take during intense energy times) Illicit drugs such as marijuana Hay fever medications should be minimized as they have stimulant properties Also try and avoid making major decisions at this time, wait for the energy to balance then reconsider.
Things that may help: Try and eat meat Heavy proteins such as meat may assist you to feel more grounded.
If you have been on a strict vegetarian or vegan diet for a while increase fish and meats into your diet gradually.
A Quick sleep This works to lower your vibrational level and can ground the energies.
Stay in a quiet and calm environment Avoid crowds and busy areas at this time and spend time alone if you need to.
Spend time in nature Spend time outdoors in the fresh air daily.
Walk barefoot on grass, sand or in water.
Continue to do 'normal' things It may help you to feel grounded if you continue with your normal daily activities and routines.
Danger signs of delusional thinking: If you find that you are doing any of the following seek immediate help.
Believing people are 'out to get you' or other extreme paranoia Believing there is a political conspiracy only you know about Considering maybe you are dead Believing that you have to hurt someone and this is what you have to do for some other purpose or to save the planet Believing you or others are possessed Irrational correlations, e.
"because my wife has her hair tied back today she's out to kill me" or "if I pray facing my curtains every morning for ten minutes my cat won't die".
If you or someone you know start to think in any of these ways, go straight and get help.
Also don't try and argue with someone while they are in this state as they may be dangerous.
If they are delusional, use any excuse you can to get them to a hospital then let the staff take over.
Make sure they do not have any access to weapons and don't let them drive.
Also not to worry, people do not stay in this state for very long with the right help.

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