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What is the UK Health & Safety Commission Directors' Code of Practice?

    What Is a Code of Practice?

    • Safety codes of practice protect image by anna karwowska from

      A code of practice does not have the power of a piece of legislation: you cannot be prosecuted if you do not comply with it. However, following its guidelines means that you are actually complying with the law. Codes of practice may be referred to in court, even though they do not have the force of law. They illustrate good practice, and if an organization can show that the code of practice is being followed by its employers, this will augur well for its health and safety procedures.

    Benefits of a Directors' Code of Practice

    • There needs to be a clear understanding within an organization of who is responsible for what when it comes to health and safety. A board of directors will be answerable to the company's shareholders and to the public. Should health and safety practice fall short of what is acceptable, the directors need to be sure they have fulfilled their responsibilities. Being familiar with, and following, the code of practice should ensure this.

    The Code of Practice

    • The Health and Safety Commission's code of practice states:

      Boards should accept formally and publicly a collective role in providing health and safety leadership in their organizations.

      All board decisions must reflect health and safety intentions as articulated in an organization's health and safety policy statement.

      The board's role in the act of engaging the active participation of workers and improving health and safety must be recognized.

      The board must be kept informed of, and alert to, the relevant health and safety risk management issues; a member of the board should be designated health and safety director for this purpose.

    Purpose of the Code of Practice

    • The purpose of the code of practice is to give guidance and act as a reference tool for the directors. There is often a huge amount of legislation pertaining to a particular industry. Following the code of practice means that the basic structure is in place, making it easier to apply the stipulations of the legislation.

    Other Guidance From the Commission

    • The Health and Safety Commission constantly reviews guidelines, regulations and legislation in the light of events or new developments. The commission consults with industry representatives and relevant government departments, and frequently issues new advice.

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