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Ingenious Teeny Pieces: Arrangement Strategies

Flooring, Changing the Base of your House

There is one design item that is looked over more than anything else is flooring. Flooring is often overlooked because it is the base, but that only means that it is really the foundation for your furniture and design choices. It will also add that subtle touch that really upgrades your dollhouse. There are several types of flooring that you might want to consider: Carpet, linoleum, tile, stone, and/or hard wood. The most popular choice is carpet, probably because we enjoy carpet so much in our houses. A quick fix to bathroom or kitchen rooms is linoleum and tile. The hardest type of flooring to add is a stone or hard wood option, but in the end these are the best from a designing standpoint.

Floor Trim for your Dollhouse

If you are a true crafter you are constantly tweaking your creations. In my last dollhouse building adventure I came across something that I know helped out my interior look tremendously. This big discovery was floor trim. The discovery is not entirely new, or my own, there are many places to get doll trim, but I found the cheapest is a very thin flat balsa wood. I applied this balsa wood to the floor of each of my walls to form a great outline along the bottom. I was most impressed to not see any more tiny cracks between the wall and the flooring due to the trim covering it up. It also prevented the wall paper to come unglued because I was covering the bottom edges with the trim. It was a little addition that was fun to install and really added to the look of my dollhouse.

Choosing the Right Style Can Help Your Design

Creating style can be more intense than what you have previously thought, what era will your dollhouse resemble? Each piece of furniture will belong to a certain room, but you must also realize that each room should connect with each other. This is creating a styling theme. Victorian, Modern, and Traditional, though they are not the only choices, are the major players with dollhouse manufacturers - lets look at each one. Victorian is the first major theme, it is recognized by the embellishments in furniture through long curved lines, elaborate fabric, and old fashioned pieces. Modern furniture is more technological, rigid, and fun - giving you options like Television sets, pool tables, and other modern pieces. Traditional furniture doesn't have a lot of pep, but the selection is great - this will fit any dollhouse and can be used at times in matching Modern or Victorian styles.

Designing by Mood

The mood of the room should be a designers motivation and no other, it is the mood that dictates color and furniture, and not the other way around. A mood is the purpose of the room, the reason that it exists. A great example is a play room where the sole purpose of the room is to have fun and enjoy oneself. One more example would be the bedroom, the most personal quarters, and is designed for only one person. Those dollhouses that are awe inspiring tap into the settings and mood of each room to design it. To help you get in the mood setting, picture the room and the feelings that emanate from that room, then design colors, furniture, and styles to match that setting. The more you can portray the appropriate move, the more you will convince your friends and family your great skills as a miniaturist.

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