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How to Form a Business Partnership Contract in California

    • 1). Find one or more people that agree to conduct a business enterprise with you for profit. A potential partner may be an existing associate, friend, or family member.

      Consider looking for business partners online using websites like, or Industry trade shows and conventions are also good places to strike up relationships with potential partners.

    • 2). Communicate the terms of a partnership agreement that indicate co-ownership of the business to a prospective partner. The communication may be written or oral. Upon mutually accepting the terms of the agreement, a legally enforceable general business partnership contract is formed. For example, you may say,"Let's start an event photography business together," and a prospective partner replies,"Okay, let's do it." Then, you confirm with, "Okay." This communication is sufficient to form a business partnership contract in California.

    • 3). Create a written partnership contract that supersedes a prior non-written contract. Written contracts are recommended to avoid problems that arise from unclear expectations. Written partnership contracts are optiona, and California law does not require them for a general partnership.

      The written contract should include each partner's contribution, ability to control the businesses, and role or title. Include statements about handling disputes between the partners and rules that apply to a partner's withdrawal or dissolution of the business.

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