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Sometimes the Best Charitable Donation is Awareness

Charities struggle each and every day in order to raise public awareness of their particular causes and plights.
However, sometimes it is hard to understand as to why they have to work so hard for charitable donations.
For some charities, or supporters of recent disasters, it is understandable that the average person may not be aware of their current needs.
Each individual's personal experiences are different, and some may not have had any exposure to the appropriate news and information necessary to raise their awareness of these particular charities and their needs.
However, what about high profile charities and the disasters or causes that they are supporting? Unfortunately, public awareness is not a permanent thing.
In fact, charities have to spend millions of dollars each and every year, to remind Americans about issues that they were made aware of just the year before.
As an example, and also a high profile issue within the United States, let's discuss the Make it Right Foundation and their support of Hurricane Katrina victims within New Orleans.
Make it Right is trying to rebuild 150 homes, within the Lower 9th Ward, each priced at $150,000.
This total charitable donation dollar amount to accomplish their goal equals $22.
5 million.
This would mean that if only 7.
5% of the population within the United States were to donate $1, that Make it Right would meet their initial charitable donation goals.
So, why is it that Make it Right is only a little over 50% of the way towards reaching their goal? The answer is simple, "public awareness is not a permanent thing".
The unfortunate truth is that Americans are extremely busy with the worries, stresses, and concerns of their own lives.
Professional, personal, and financial concerns and issues can rapidly consume the average American to the point where other people's problems are forgotten.
In fact, a great deal of Americans are probably not aware of the fact that there are people within New Orleans that are still homeless.
Make it Right is fighting to remind Americans that there are still people in New Orleans that are without a home, almost three years after the disaster! Even though it would truly take very little effort for Americans to raise the charitable donations necessary to help the Hurricane Katrina disaster victims, the simple fact is that they are ignorant of the need.
Americans need to fight to gain control of their lives, and to raise their own personal awareness of the needs of charities.
Anyone can make a charitable donation here and there.
However, to truly make a difference, a person would only need to simply spend the time learning about the issues that people are experiencing in the world, in their country, or even in their own state.
Once a person has accomplished this goal, then making a charitable donation not only becomes easy, but will be better directed to those charities and people who are in need of that charitable donation the most.
However, each and every person will have their own opinions and desires as to which charities need the most help.
Just as sometimes it takes work and effort on your part to make time for any other personal goal that you set for yourself, charity awareness can be another one of those goals.
By spending a few minutes each and every weekend doing a little charity research, you can help yourself to become more and more aware with each passing week.
Eventually, you will find yourself knowledgeable of all of the people surrounding you who are in need of your help.
By everyone keeping themselves aware of charities in need, not only will charities receive greater help continuously, but they will also spend less money in order to get the charitable donations that they need each and every year.
Charity awareness would be the beginning of the best donation that you could make in your lifetime, and is essential for charities to truly make the difference that they are trying to make in this world.

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