Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Freelance Writers - A Successful Career is All About Getting People to Know, Like, & Trust You!

For the most part, people buy products and services from other people (and companies) they know, like, and trust.
That means, if you want to create a career for yourself as a full time freelance writer, you need to develop ways for potential clients to get to know, like, and trust you.
One great way to do that is with a blog.
Make sure your blog includes your photo.
You might even want to create a short audio clip for your blog.
Once people know what you look like, they recognize the sound of your voice, and they are familiar with your writing style, they will feel as if they actually know you.
If they can leave comments on your blog - and you respond favorably to those comments - they'll also grow to trust and like you.
Another way to earn the trust of potential clients is to offer FREE products and services.
When potential clients and customers see what high quality items you offer free of charge, they will assume the products and services you DO charge for must be of extremely high quality also (so be sure they are correct in assuming this).
Take a few minutes today and ask yourself this question, "How am I making it easy for potential clients and customers to get to know, like, and trust me?" Then create new ways for these things to happen and you'll be well on your way to a thriving business as a freelance writer.
Try it!

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