Health & Medical Medicine

Know About Mumps

It is a viral disease, caused by the mumps virus.

Painful swelling of the salivary glands (mainly the parotid gland) is the most typical feature of mumps.

The incubation period: Symptoms typically appear 16-18 days after infection, but this period can range from 12-25 days after infection

A person infected with mumps is contagious for about a week before and two weeks after the onset of symptoms

The mode of transmission is through direct contact and airborne droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person, usually when a person coughs or sneezes


1. Sore Throat.

2. Swelling of the parotid glands.

3. Slight Feverishness (for two to three days).

4. Muscle aches

5. Loss of appetite.

6. Headache.

7. Fatigue.

8. Dry mouth.

9. Earache.

10. Stiff neck.

11. Nausea and vomiting.


1. Orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) in males

2. Oophoritis (Inflammation of the ovaries) in females

3. Mastitis(Inflammation of the breast)

4. Encephalitis/meningitis (Inflammation of the brain and meninges)

5. Myocarditis (Inflammation of the heart muscle)

6. Hepatitis (Inflammation of the liver)

7. Thyroiditis (Inflammation of the thyroid gland)

8. Permanent deafness

9. Miscarriage

10. Sterility

Prevention of Mumps:

The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine should be given to children.

Homeopathic approach:

Aconitum napellus:

Indicated in mumps if the fever comes on suddenly and the person is very agitated. Stabbing or tingling pain can be felt in the jaw or face. The person feels worse from warmth and better from fresh air and is often very thirsty.

Apis mellifica:

The face looks puffy, pink, and tender. Cool compresses are soothing. Even with fever, thirst is usually low. The person is irritable.

Arsenicum album:

Strong anxiety and restlessness despite a feeling of exhaustion. The head may feel hot and the rest of the body chilly. This remedy is sometimes helpful in preventing complications involving the ovaries or testicles.


When the illness comes on quickly with high fever, a hot flushed face, and eyes that are sensitive to light, this remedy may be indicated. Shooting pains can be felt in the swollen cheek (most often the right). The person may also have a throbbing headache.


Person feels worse from any motion. Hard, tender swelling is felt in the cheek, and fever may be accompanied by headache. The persons mouth feels dry, with thirst for long cold drinks. Helpful if the swelling abruptly disappears, but the person feels worse in general.

Calcarea carbonica:

In mumps if the persons head perspires during sleep, the hands and feet feel cold and damp, and lymph nodes are also swollen. often feels anxious and is easily fatigued. Children may feel hot, but adults tend to be chilly.

Carbo vegetabilis:

Fever may develop slowly, and the person may feel chilled and faint. The stomach may also be upset, with gas and belching. The person may want to be near a fan or window, craving fresh or moving air. This remedy may often help if testicles, ovaries, or breasts become involved in mumps, when the other symptoms fit.

Mercurius solubilis:

Hard, painful swelling of the salivary glands occurs below the chin, as well as in the cheeks, along with a large amount of salivation. The person is very sensitive to temperature changes. Offensive breath, swollen lymph nodes, and perspiration during sleep.


Swelling of the parotid gland is sore and tight, or if the breasts or other glands are becoming painful and swollen. The person may feel tired, dizzy, and sore all over. Relief may come from drinking something cold, but the person is better from warmth in general.


Mumps, discomfort and swelling may be felt in the ovaries, breasts, or testicles. The person feels worse from warmth and in the evening and better from open air. Despite a fever, thirst is often low. emotional, wanting lots of sympathy and comforting.

Rhus toxicodendron:

When swelling of the cheek looks reddish and the person feels achy, restless, and driven to get up and move around,. Stiffness and aching are relieved by warmth and motion. This remedy may also help to prevent infection with the mumps, and should be considered if older children or adults have been exposed.

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