Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Public Speaking - The Challenge of an Unpopular Idea

Imagine this.
You are so motivated to speak up, and share your opinion with friends and all.
As you prepare to claim the platform, you also realize one possible challenge.
Your so-called brilliant idea may not be popular among the audience, that it may not be well-received, inviting some kind of disagreement and opposition, and you may have to bear unforeseen consequences.
What would you do? In a more collectivist society, speakers have to play by tons of rules, norms, and discretion.
To present an unpopular idea takes courage, persuasion, and creativity.
Interestingly, some of these unpopular ideas are wisdom, insights, and breakthroughs.
Hence, to back off is absolutely out of the question! By theory, most individuals will scrutinize the communication and cultural climate before they present their unpopular ideas.
Noelle-Neumann's (1974) 'spiral of silence' explicates that people speak out when ideas are popular and become silent when they start to lose ground.
this explains why some clever ideas end up silenced and invisible.
What about you??? You may want to tell yourself to finish off what you have started.
Afterall, who says that public speaking is a one-way communication? Hence, speakers should be prepared to face feedback, be it positive or destructive.
Furthermore, as there is majority vote, research shows that minority influence can also win people's hearts and conscience.
As much as this situation may trigger social-psychological discomfort, if you could muster enough courage, your seemingly unpopular idea can emerge as a groundbreaking claim.
Speakers - let's face the daunting challenge of the unpopular idea, and THINK POSITIVE+++.

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