Know Your Janitorial Supplies - Find Eco Friendly by Seeking Green Seal Products: 6+ Reasons Why
Greenwashing is prevalent.
It is hard to discern what is really sustainable and eco-friendly in today's market place.
This becomes extremely important when you are seeking to market your green janitorial cleaning service; select safe and green janitorial supplies for your operation; or developing green janitorial specifications for your service providers.
To help you there are several reputable and reliable certifications available to help guide you.
Green certifications are not just a green colored label on the product.
It is something that provides you with confidence that the product has undergone rigorous, scientific based, analysis and evaluation so you know you are using green janitorial supplies and chemicals that are safe for the planet and human health.
Since we cannot (and likely do not want to) become a chemist, it is important to leverage valid green certifications.
This way you can be confident that the chemicals are in janitorial chemicals, especially in green cleaning products and green janitorial supplies are safe, nontoxic and sustainable for our environment.
It is for this reason that eco certification programs were developed and are closely followed.
One of the oldest and most respected certification programs in the US is Green Seal.
Green Seal is dedicated to safeguarding the environment and transforming the marketplace by promoting the manufacture, purchase, and use of environmentally responsible products and services.
In fact their mission is to use science-based programs to enable consumers, purchasers and companies to create a more sustainable world.
They provide a third-party review and certification for you.
What does a third-party review mean to you? First, second, and third-party levels of review define the degree of separation between the reviewer and the company whose product is being reviewed.
This is especially important when certifications are involved.
Most marketing claims, material data safety sheets (MSDS), and product specifications that are provided by the company are considered first-party declarations and have not been independently tested or verified.
Second-party review may be more credible because a trade association or outside consulting firm in the industry is presenting a verification of the company claims for you.
One concern about a second-party review are the potential conflicts of interest (real or perceived).
Whenever an independent third-party conducts the product testing and awards the certification the end-user, whether a residential or a commercial consumer, you can have the highest level of confidence in the claims.
Green Seal is a third-party reviewer.
Since 1989 they have provided independent, objective, science-based guidance to the marketplace and to consumers.
They are a (501(c)(3)) nonprofit organization that is funded from numerous sources, including contracts, grants, special projects, and revenue from certification and monitoring fees.
The Green Seal organization certifies everything from coffee filters to hotels.
Standards that are issued to cover over 230 product and service categories.
There are presently 8 standards for cleaning products for household and industrial / janitorial applications and 2 standards issued for cleaning services.
Green Seal Standards for Green Cleaning Products:
Because of this rigor, Green Seal standards have been recognized and used by the US federal government, many state governments, and other key entities.
Products only become certified after rigorous science-based evaluation including a life cycle assessment that evaluates a product from the raw materials through the manufacturing process and ending with recycling or disposal.
The Green Seal certification mark states the product has demonstrated the green janitorial supplies and green cleaning products have gone through a stringent process to show that it has less impact on the environment and human health.
 Need more? Here are 6 More Reasons why Green Seal Environmental Certification is so strong.
This will further expand your confidence the Green Seal certification program:
It is hard to discern what is really sustainable and eco-friendly in today's market place.
This becomes extremely important when you are seeking to market your green janitorial cleaning service; select safe and green janitorial supplies for your operation; or developing green janitorial specifications for your service providers.
To help you there are several reputable and reliable certifications available to help guide you.
Green certifications are not just a green colored label on the product.
It is something that provides you with confidence that the product has undergone rigorous, scientific based, analysis and evaluation so you know you are using green janitorial supplies and chemicals that are safe for the planet and human health.
Since we cannot (and likely do not want to) become a chemist, it is important to leverage valid green certifications.
This way you can be confident that the chemicals are in janitorial chemicals, especially in green cleaning products and green janitorial supplies are safe, nontoxic and sustainable for our environment.
It is for this reason that eco certification programs were developed and are closely followed.
One of the oldest and most respected certification programs in the US is Green Seal.
Green Seal is dedicated to safeguarding the environment and transforming the marketplace by promoting the manufacture, purchase, and use of environmentally responsible products and services.
In fact their mission is to use science-based programs to enable consumers, purchasers and companies to create a more sustainable world.
They provide a third-party review and certification for you.
What does a third-party review mean to you? First, second, and third-party levels of review define the degree of separation between the reviewer and the company whose product is being reviewed.
This is especially important when certifications are involved.
Most marketing claims, material data safety sheets (MSDS), and product specifications that are provided by the company are considered first-party declarations and have not been independently tested or verified.
Second-party review may be more credible because a trade association or outside consulting firm in the industry is presenting a verification of the company claims for you.
One concern about a second-party review are the potential conflicts of interest (real or perceived).
Whenever an independent third-party conducts the product testing and awards the certification the end-user, whether a residential or a commercial consumer, you can have the highest level of confidence in the claims.
Green Seal is a third-party reviewer.
Since 1989 they have provided independent, objective, science-based guidance to the marketplace and to consumers.
They are a (501(c)(3)) nonprofit organization that is funded from numerous sources, including contracts, grants, special projects, and revenue from certification and monitoring fees.
The Green Seal organization certifies everything from coffee filters to hotels.
Standards that are issued to cover over 230 product and service categories.
There are presently 8 standards for cleaning products for household and industrial / janitorial applications and 2 standards issued for cleaning services.
Green Seal Standards for Green Cleaning Products:
- GS-08 Cleaning Products for Household Use
- GS-21 Powdered Laundry Bleach
- GS-34 Cleaning and De-greasing Agents
- GS-37 Cleaning Products for Industrial and Institutional Use
- GS-40 Floor-Care Products for Industrial and Institutional Use
- GS-41 Hand Cleaners for Industrial and Institutional Use
- GS-52 Specialty Cleaning Products for Household Use
- GS-53 Specialty Cleaning Products for Industrial and Institutional Use
- GS-42 Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services
- GS-49 Residential Cleaning Services
Because of this rigor, Green Seal standards have been recognized and used by the US federal government, many state governments, and other key entities.
Products only become certified after rigorous science-based evaluation including a life cycle assessment that evaluates a product from the raw materials through the manufacturing process and ending with recycling or disposal.
The Green Seal certification mark states the product has demonstrated the green janitorial supplies and green cleaning products have gone through a stringent process to show that it has less impact on the environment and human health.
 Need more? Here are 6 More Reasons why Green Seal Environmental Certification is so strong.
This will further expand your confidence the Green Seal certification program:
- The Green Seal mark represents compliance with a rigorous set of criteria designed to achieve leadership levels in sustainability, including on-site plant visits
- Some of the factors considered in evaluating the products are that they are: non-toxic, biodegradable, absent of any carcinogens, mutagens, and reproductive toxins, low-level of sensitivity with respect to eyes, skin, contains no heavy metals, phthalates or other prohibited ingredients, has minimal volatile organic compounds (VOC) or ozone depleting substances, and is non combustible.
- Green Seal is one of the largest eco labeling organizations in the US
- Green Seal is the U.
member of GEN which consists of 26 of the world's leading eco labeling programs, including Germany's Blue Angel certification program and the Nordic swan. - Green Seal meets the US EPA's Criteria for Third-Party Certifiers, the requirements of ISO 14020 and 14024, and the standards of the Global Eco Labeling Network.
- Green Seal certification is not just a "one-time deal".
Companies establish an ongoing commitment to health and the environment through annual compliance monitoring and work towards continuous improvement.