Technology Games

Information related to Chinese checkers

Chinese checkers was originally said to be known as Halma. This game is considered to be very popular one and is played by players ranging from 2 to 6 members individually or by pairs. Chinese checkers are considered to be one of the puzzles game.

Chinese checkers contains a hexagram shaped board. The players will be allowed to have ten pieces which are of colored marbles. The main objective of the game is to race the pieces across the star shaped board into home. Hexagram starting corner can be described as home. The player is moved by step and also jumps from other pieces, can also capture and block other pieces. With the required tactics and decision making one can succeed in this game.

As this game is available in websites, the round screen contains lot of depressions in it that indicates star. The depressions which are on the projection of the star should be transmitted to other part of the board. The person who makes fewer moves to transfer all these is declared to be as winner.

At the beginning of the game one should select the color of a coin. The main rule is to jump from one coin in order to reach other. One can also jump from an opponent coin.

Few tips for succeeding in this game are

‚§ Observe what your opponent is doing and try sometimes you can also stop his way by putting your marble in his way.

‚§ Make sure that you move your marbles in a group so that it will help you to obtain more opportunities for jumping. It is because alone marble cannot move quickly if at all your opponent is close to win.

‚§ If your opponent moves his marble closer to you then he will be making you ease to move or jump over his marble. This will help you to step forward and slows the opponent winning chances.

Chinese checkers help you to improve your skills in many ways. One can find this game by entering the keyword on the search engine option and you will be provided with a list of options and with that you can choose a particular website and read the instructions and start playing with the game. The players will be allowed to have ten pieces which are of colored marbles.You will get familiar in the game if you play more and more games. Each time you win your confidence level will increase.

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