Home & Garden Pest Control

Need to Know Basics of Eliminating Termites and Other Pest Infestations

There's no other place on earth as comfortable as your own home, but what if your home were infested with pests; insects, bed bugs or termites-would you still feel so comfortable? The termite is a homeowners' most common pest.
They are little, determined, and can easily find their way into the wooden parts of your home.
These little guys continue working and eating non-stop, without sleeping.
Termites are so small they can enter your home through an opening or crack as thin as a piece of writing paper.
As long as your home provides moisture, food and adequate temperatures, termites can and will enter and eat their way through your home.
Some colonies of termites house more than a million termites, at one time.
At this rate, it's easy for termites to quickly cause severe structural damage to your home.
Reports have shown that termites can cause more yearly damage to homes in the United States than tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, wind and thunderstorms combined costing homeowners more than a billion dollars per year.
No need to be too alarmed, there are ways to protect your home from the devastation common to termite infestation.
Inspect Your Home Thoroughly Take advantage of the good weather, and use it to closely inspect the basement of your home looking for any noticeable signs of termites.
The termite dropping is a clear indication of a potential issue.
Keep an eye out for small tan, reddish-brown or black droppings.
For the most effective inspections, use a flashlight to illuminate the foundation walls, the windows, and beneath the exterior doors.
Closely examine the support piers, floor joists, sill plates and the foundation walls inside and outside searching for mud tubes.
Subterranean termites live in moist soil, but tend to heavily feed on wood.
They build mud passageways from the moist soil to the wood of your home.
Unfortunately, it's quite common to overlook termite damage.
If you've examined your home and have found no visible signs of infestation, go a bit further and examine for hidden structural wood damage by thumping the wooden structure of your home with the heel of a screwdriver.
Listen closely for hollowed out wood.
Also, consider probing with a heavy duty awl.
This is another way to help detect hollowed out wood.
Confirm Your Termite Suspicions After you've completely examined your basement and have found evidence to confidently suspect a termite problem, call a professional to evaluate the situation, confirm your suspicions.
This expert will discuss the best options to eliminate, control, prevent and treat the existing wood.
In addition, he/she will not only suggest, but also perform any and all necessary repairs.
The Preferred Methods For Protecting Your Home If you have a problem with termites, big or small, your local pest expert will use an enlightened approach to control and eliminate your pest issues.
Once you've contacted your local expert, he/she will evaluate your home and infestation, individually, and select the approach or combination of approaches that best suit your individual needs.
You're of the utmost importance to these specialists.
It's their job to help you.
There are several techniques and approaches that specialists might use to prevent, control or exterminate pest and termite infestations.
These include: Identifying the conditions Baiting the termites Performing non-repellent soil treatment Treating the wood Solution Many homeowners make the attempt to remove termites from their home, but this could be quite hazardous if you're not certified to deal with infestations.
Many infestations, especially termites, have a great effect on your home's structure.

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