Health & Medical Diabetes

Fight Cancer And Treat Diabetes With These Flavan-3-Ols

The flavan-3-ols are a group of flavonoids (plant based chemical compounds which have numerous health benefits) that can protect your body from a number of nasty diseases.
In this article I will be providing a full breakdown of 3 key flavan-3-ols, discussing the best food sources and explaining exactly how they can boost your health.
1) EPICATECHIN: Epicatechin can be found in a wide range of foods.
Cocoa beans (99.
18 milligrams (mg) per 100 grams (g)) and dark chocolate (41.
5mg per 100g) are 2 of the richest sources.
Apple skins (28.
73mg per 100g) and blueberries (13.
69mg per 100g) also contain good levels of this flavan-3-ol.
Like many flavan-3-ols, epicatechin is a powerful antioxidant (a substance that protects your body's cells from the dangerous free radicals which are released during oxygen related reactions).
It also keeps your heart healthy.
However, the main benefit of epicatechin is that it treats diabetes (a disease which causes your blood glucose levels to become extremely high).
Epicatechin may also have even more health benefits.
An observational study of the Kuna Indians (who consume very high quantities of epicatechin) revealed that this flavan-3-ol may prevent cancer (a condition which leads to rapid, uncontrollable cellular growth), heart failure and strokes (a loss of blood flow to the brain which causes brain damage).
However, further studies are needed before these health benefits can be validated.
2) GALLOCATECHOL (EPIGALLOCATECHIN): Gallocatechol (also known as epigallocatechin) can be found in many different foods with some of the best sources being black diamond plums (13.
06mgper 100g), cocoa beans (156.
67mg per 100g) and green tea (16.
71mg per 100g).
The only confirmed health benefit of gallocatechol is that it acts as an antioxidant.
Provisional studies suggest that it may also boost the immune system, prevent arthritis (inflammation of the joints), prevent cancer, prevent heart disease and reduce blood levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (a type of cholesterol which causes blockages in the artery walls).
However, further research is required before these health benefits can be confirmed.
3) EPICATECHIN GALLATE (ECG / EPICATECHIN-3-GALLATE) Epicatechin gallate (also known as ECG or epicatechin-3-gallate) can be sourced from many different types of tea.
Black tea contains 7.
24mg of this flavan-3-ol per 100g whilst green tea contains an impressive 20.
95mg per 100g and oolong tea contains 6.
73mg per 100g.
In terms of health benefits, epicatechin gallate is a potent antioxidant which can also protect the skin cells from ultraviolet (UV) damage.
However, its most impressive function is that it can prevent various types of cancer including breast cancer and skin cancer.

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