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White Stuff on Tonsils? They Are Called Tonsil Stones! Learn How to Slow Them Down!

You probably found this page by typing into Google: "White Stuff on Tonsils" or something along those terms, if you did then I guarantee you this is the last website you need to visit.
They are called "tonsil stones".
These "tonsil stones" are white blood cells that your tonsils generate in order to fight bacteria.
If you are familiar with the function of the Tonsils then you know that they are there to catch bad bacteria and prevent them from attacking your system.
Back in the day the only solution to get rid of these nasty smelly balls was through a tonsillectomy, the process of removing tonsils from a person's mouth.
Luckily it's the 21st century and society has progressed enough that we have developed natural and safe methods of getting rid of these tonsil stones.
I remember when I first pulled these "throat balls" out of my throat and was absolutely disgusted.
For some reason I actually smelled it! Don't ask me why but I did! It was the worst stench I had ever smelled in my life! I was freaked...
I searched everything from throat cancer to throat fungus.
It took me hours before I could put a name on these things and figure out what they were.
Luckily before I made the decision to carve my tonsils out I found this great book that had all the information I needed.
It was straight to the point and outlined the problem and how to fix it.
No painful surgery! To get rid of tonsil stones I typically use two things in combination in order to attack these pesky nasty stuff on tonsils: 1) Get a decent powered water-pik with a big reservoir so that you don't have to fill it up multiple times during a mouth spraying session.
If you do not know what a water-pik is, it is basically a highly directed stream of water coming out of a long nozzle that can reach the back portions of your mouth that you typically can not get access to with a tooth brush.
The reason why water-piks are useful and popular for this method of removal is because they provide nice warm streams of water and help reduce the amount of gagging present when trying to remove tonsil stones.
2) Go to your local health food store and purchase Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE).
Add 1~2 drops of GSE to the reservoir tank of the water-pik before using.
GSE acts as a natural anti-biotic that helps prevent the growth of tonsil stones in the future.
Because of the bitter taste of GSE a lot of people add about a cap-full of Listerine to the water reservoir of the water-pik to offset the taste.
At the end of the day the formation of tonsil stones is going to be less frequent with the steps used above.
If you really want to get rid of your tonsil stones forever it is important that you understand the dietary reasons behind the tonsil stones occurring.
I suggest you either look at the link I've provided for a pretty good tonsil-stones book or search the web for an alternative.

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