Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Cat Biting - Breaking Bad Cat Behaviors

An aggressive cat can be a nuisance or a danger, but teaching them to stop doesn't have to be. If kitty bites you, here's how to stop it!

Step One

Identify your cats biting triggers and concentrate on correcting them. Some cats bite to show they're done being petted, some bite to assert dominance, while others bite to claim territory. However, some bite because it's fun! Still other cats attack because they're over-stimulated from playing the hunter. Learn the signs your cat gives before he nips at you.

Step Two

The next time your cat is in a situation that normally precedes an attack, become extra vigilant. Have your deterrent ready. Your deterrent can be a spray bottle with water, a metal tin full of change or just your own ability to hiss or blow your breath sharply into the beast's face! A loud clap or snap of the fingers might work too.

Step Three

Stay on your toes so that you can reprimand your cat as quickly as it happens. When he begins to attack, but preferably before when you see the signs, employ your deterrent. If your cat recoils and does not attempt to attack again, then this reprimand was a success and you're on your way to training breaking your cats bad behavior. However, if your cat recoils and then gets ready to attack again, be ready to deter him again - maybe with a different deterrent. Continue this until he gives up the battle. Trial and error will tell you which deterrents work best.

Step Four

Once you've found an effective deterrent, your cat will begin to figure out the rules. You'll have to continue to use the deterrent and to reprimand your cat with a common phrase like, "No," any time the behavior presents itself but at no other time. This is very important - he has to learn to put two and two together.

Step Five

Now that everyone understands the rules, it's time to reinforce good behavior. Whenever your cat ignores his normal biting opportunity, give him a treat. Remember you need to recognize the signs and triggers. Do not give him a treat after he has attempted to bite you EVER! This could result in the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish - bite for treat.

Step Six

Now it is time to play a slightly dangerous game called "Tease the Cat." Give him an opportunity to bite you... Don't taunt him or push him and over-stimulate him, just present the normal situation in which he might bite. If he goes for the strike, once again use the preferred deterrent. Hopefully your cat abstains from biting and when he does give him a treat! Success! Progress has been made.

Step Seven

Your feline companion will show you he understands by doing everything except biting. Instead of biting your fingers when playing, like he normally would, hopefully he'll lick your fingers, smack your fingers with his paws, or nudge them with his head. If he goes from this behavior to anything more than nipping softly, reprimand him but do not use a very strong deterrent unless he refuses to stop.

Step Eight

A very strong reprimand for a cat is to be denied attention and play time. If your cat is being very aggressive you can grab him by the scruff of the neck and, while supporting his weight with your other hand, hold him as far away from your body as possible. Continue to do this until he is no longer aggressive, and ignore your cat until he sweetly mews for your affection. At this point give your cat the positive attention he deserves, but no treats. Be kind but firm and you will soon have a friendly cat.

Hopefully someone will get some use from this article. Learn more about your cats behavior and enjoy your time together.

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