Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Health Benefits of Walking

Walking is one of the most widely recommended activities for exercises. Walking has many benefits for both physical and mental health. To achieve these walking benefits, you should walk for at least 30 minutes everyday.

Walking can help ward off and protect from one of the biggest killers in the United States: heart disease. In fact it is the number one threat to American's health. Walking can also help those recovering from heart attacks or bypass surgery. It lowers the risk for subsequent heart attacks. So what is heart disease exactly. It is caused by the build up of plaque in the arteries. If too much plaque accumulates the blood flow to the heart is decreased and causes the heart to not receive enough oxygen to work. Physical inactivity and cholesterol contribute to this problem. Regular exercise is shown to decrease the resting heart rate, therefore decreasing the workload on the heart.

One walking benefit, is that it is a proven way to reduce high blood pressure. Regular exercise has been shown to increase blood flow to the muscles. It also reduces blood pressure for a short time following exercise. If you exercise regularly, walking benefits you by lowering your blood pressure overall.

Another walking benefit, is that it has been shown to increase your sleep time. Studies show that people who participate in regular physical activity, like walking, sleep longer and sounder than people who do not. This is enough reason to start your walking routine today. Also, another study has shown that people who sleep longer and have a better quality of sleep have more energy during the day.

A walking benefit that could actually benefit anyone is that walking can actually decrease stress as well as depression and anxiety. Taking time out when you are feeling stressed or anxious, to take a walk can take your mind off of the reason you are feeling stressed and make you see things more clearly.

Another one of the many walking benefits is that walking has actually been shown to decrease depression. You have probably wondered why your mental health professional will always recommend walking or some form of physical activity as part of the treatment. The reason is that exercise helps the brain release more endorphins, which make us feel happy and more relaxed.

As you can see, walking benefits are numerous. These many benefits definitely make the 30 minutes you must take from your daily schedule to walk worthwhile.

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