Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Go Beyond Crunches - Getting Hard Abs With Hard Training!

If you are looking at getting rock hard abs along with the body to match then you have got to gear your training program to do just that.
You see being a strength professional and personal fitness trainer now for over 10 years here in Atlanta, Georgia I have had a lot experience in helping both serious fitness junkies and athletes to develop extraordinarily fit bodies.
This is something that must go beyond the act of doing crunches! Keep reading if I have your attention.
Getting Hard Abs You can't get a hard stomach by just doing crunches.
As a matter of fact, I don't even like the exercise of the crunch because you only partially stimulate the rectus abdominis muscle and only that one.
You see the rectus abdominis is designed and functions to "stop motion" in the movement of spinal flexion.
Your abs along with your transversus abdominis (muscle deep to your rectus abdominis), obliques, spinal erectors, etc.
all make up more of your supporting core muscles for the act of stabilization and power.
These are all better suited for movements that are multi-joint in nature and cause you to have to tension and function through various whole body movements.
Exercises such as kettlebell swings, olympic cleans, and body weight drills all would qualify for this.
This is where you get way more exerted in your workouts and build that rock hard stomach much more effectively.
You see getting ripped abs takes making your body strong and fit, period! The key is making sure that you engage in exercises and movements explained in the first paragraph while also increasing your work capacity during your training.
This is done by seeing how much you can do in as little time as possible.
This style of training is certainly more intense and goes against the grain of what you probably have traditionally heard in the health clubs over the past several years! This is the way you elevate your body's exertion in order to torch the calories and transform into a serious fat burning machine for a super set of solid abs.
If you haven't already started to implement this style of training into your personal workout program then you are missing out.
Take the time to transform the format of your training so that you can get the abs and body you want.
If you need more help and want to learn how to fine tune this then take the time to access more of my articles on the subject for free.
Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

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