Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

Workers Compensation Rates

Consider this scenario.
You are injured at work in New Jersey and the doctor advises that you will be unable to return to work for four weeks.
How are you going to pay your regular and medical bills if you cannot work? The good news is, since you were injured in the course of your work, New Jersey law provides benefits to you under workers compensation.
All employers in New Jersey must provide workers compensation benefits to their employees.
Medical claim payment rates The rate of payment for medical expenses related to your work injury is 100 percent paid by your employer or your employer's insurance company.
No deductibles and no co-payments are involved.
Just be sure you report any injury to your employer and when you see a doctor, inform the doctor your injury happened at work.
Your employer, by law, may tell you which doctor to see.
Be sure you see the company doctor, so there is no question about coverage.
Temporary total disability payment rates When you are injured at work and are unable to work for more than seven days in a row, including holidays and weekends, you are entitled to temporary total disability payments.
The rate of these benefits is 70 percent of your gross weekly wage at the time of the injury.
Benefits will be paid back to the date of your injury, once you meet the seven seven day requirement.
You are entitled to these benefits until the doctor releases you to return to work, you reach the maximum medical improvement the doctor expects, or 400 weeks run out, whichever happens first.
Permanent partial disability payment rates Some work injuries cause permanent disability.
In these cases, the state pays a scheduled or non-scheduled benefit based on the body part that is disabled.
The benefit is also based on the percent of disability of the body part.
For example, if a doctor determines your right index finger is 75 percent disabled, and will not improve, a benefit for permanent partial disability is payable.
Permanent total disability or fatality In rare cases, work accidents cause injuries that may totally disable or result in fatality.
In these instances, there are benefits available to help support the totally disabled individual with on-going medical expense and income.
In the case of a fatality, there are benefits for dependents and for funeral expenses.

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