Business & Finance Finance

Become a Saver Not a Spender: Become a John Frugal and Not a William Spendall!

Our personality and lifestyles affects our ability to save.
Most every action we take (including those not immediately related to buying something) is based on whether we are likely to spend money or save money.
We need to change our way of thinking.
Ask yourself this question: Do you believe you have saved money when you bought the new pair of jeans at 20% off? No you didn't! The problems lies with the fact money was spent in order "to save money.
" After the transaction, you may have a nice pair of jeans, but you also have less money to your name.
The concept of "Saving Your Way to Success" is based on not spending to save or saving to spend but saving to save money--to save, accumulate and become financially successful.
You will never reach financial success if your concept of saving is the "Christmas savings plan" where you save money in order to save money for Christmas shopping.
That is not a plan for saving--that is a plan for spending.
This does not mean it's bad to save money when you buy a new pair of jeans, if you really needed the new pair of jeans.
You are being financially savvy if you can buy something at a cheaper price than most people pay.
But realize, you are financial worse off, no matter what you paid, because you now have less money.
This is especially important if you trying to get out of debt or are in your "infant years" of saving money.
Saving your way to success is about 80% personality and lifestyle and 20% knowledge.
You do not need to be a financial guru or study dozens of investment books to become financially successful.
It matters little how much we know, if our daily habits and lifestlye work counter to our goals of saving money and accumulating wealth.
By saving your way to success, you let your money work for you.
But you need to change your habits and lifestyle.
Start incorporating saving money into your daily life.
You need to start living like a John Frugal and not like a William Spendall.
Start saving money with the goal of accumulating wealth and achieving financial success.
Don't fall into the misconceptions of debt is good, stores sales that entice you to buy, buy, buy, or "save money, buy now" gimmicks, or the traps of "get rich quick" plans.
Become financially savvy.
Learn how to start thinking like a saver.
You should never have to spend money in order to save money, especially if it is money you are saving and accumulating with the idea of achieving financial success.
Start taking action NOW to become a saver, or change yourself into a saver from a spender.
If you are more of a William Spendall than a John Frugal, it will take time to change course and form the habit of saving, but you can do it! You can learn more about changing your lifestyle at http://www.

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