What to Eat Before and After Exercising
So that you can reach your workout goals whatever they might be from fat loss to building muscle to living healthier it is essential that you supply your body with the proper fuel to that it can perform at its best. What to consume pre and post getting some exercise is a very common question and one that is really important, just as having proper nutrition is for slimming down. The worst thing I can every hear is that people don't eat prior to or after exercising because the thought that they are going to burn fat faster by not having any food in them. Or they don't want to eat mainly because they just worked out and it would defeat the purpose. Well I'm going to break it down simply so you can know what to eat before and after exercising.
What to Eat Before Exercising
Whenever you are exercising your body needs to send a lot of blood to the muscles that are being used, but if you eat a high fat or high protein meal that can take a long time to break down within your stomach than the body will be sending blood to your stomach. That would then diminish the oxygen supply to your muscles and reduce their performance as well as possibly causing a stomachache. Pre-workout meal goal: 2 hours before exercising try to consume a meal high in complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole wheat toast, whole wheat cereal or a sweet potato. If you don't have time to eat 2 hours before your workout than 10 minutes before eat an apple or banana or perhaps a handful of almonds would be okay.
Should you Eat While Exercising?
If you are planning to be exercising for 60 minutes or longer than the body must have additional fuel source and while you don't want to sit down in your gym and have a full meal you do want something small and quick like a few raisins, a power bar or gel or maybe a sports drink like Gatorade works fine. Have some of that every 30-45 minutes of exercise when exercising for 60 minutes or more.
What to Eat After Exercising
After all that effort exercising the body will be drained of fuel therefore you must replenish it so that your muscles can recover and you can have another excellent workout tomorrow. So within 30 minutes after you workout (the sooner the better) you need to eat a simple carbohydrate source together with a protein source. The general rule for the two is a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. So you'll have about 40 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein. Post-workout meals: Within Thirty minutes have 5 oz chicken and 1 cup of rice, or a protein shake and banana, or a yogurt with fruit and almonds.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in getting fit and slim and attaining your fitness goals and before and after training is no different. So now that you know how to fuel yourself before and after exercising get out there and reach your goals!
What to Eat Before Exercising
Whenever you are exercising your body needs to send a lot of blood to the muscles that are being used, but if you eat a high fat or high protein meal that can take a long time to break down within your stomach than the body will be sending blood to your stomach. That would then diminish the oxygen supply to your muscles and reduce their performance as well as possibly causing a stomachache. Pre-workout meal goal: 2 hours before exercising try to consume a meal high in complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole wheat toast, whole wheat cereal or a sweet potato. If you don't have time to eat 2 hours before your workout than 10 minutes before eat an apple or banana or perhaps a handful of almonds would be okay.
Should you Eat While Exercising?
If you are planning to be exercising for 60 minutes or longer than the body must have additional fuel source and while you don't want to sit down in your gym and have a full meal you do want something small and quick like a few raisins, a power bar or gel or maybe a sports drink like Gatorade works fine. Have some of that every 30-45 minutes of exercise when exercising for 60 minutes or more.
What to Eat After Exercising
After all that effort exercising the body will be drained of fuel therefore you must replenish it so that your muscles can recover and you can have another excellent workout tomorrow. So within 30 minutes after you workout (the sooner the better) you need to eat a simple carbohydrate source together with a protein source. The general rule for the two is a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. So you'll have about 40 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein. Post-workout meals: Within Thirty minutes have 5 oz chicken and 1 cup of rice, or a protein shake and banana, or a yogurt with fruit and almonds.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in getting fit and slim and attaining your fitness goals and before and after training is no different. So now that you know how to fuel yourself before and after exercising get out there and reach your goals!