How to Word a Diaper Party Invitation
- 1). Express the opening "please come" or "you're invited" part of the invitation creatively. Use wordplay, puns or short cute verses. If you just can't come up with something, don't force it; simply tell guests they're invited in a tone appropriate to the party. Something such as, "Hey, guys! The daddy-to-be needs diapers." would suit an all-male, nontraditional shower. A more refined "You're invited to a diaper shower" is adequate for a co-ed or mommy-focused event.
- 2). Note the diaper theme next, simply and straightforward. For example, "There's a baby on the way who's going to need LOTS of diapers, so let's honor the [father-to-be, mother-to-be, parents-to-be] with a diaper party." Another example: "It's all about diapers for the baby and a party for the [mommy-to-be, daddy-to-be, parents]."
- 3). Add any information you feel the invitees need to know, such as if the shower is an all-male event and includes an unusual activity, such as a poker tournament or bowling.
- 4). Draw up a list of shower details. Begin with the shower honoree: father-to-be, mother-to-be or both. Follow with day, date, time, and location. Include brief directions; add a separate sheet with thorough directions and a map if necessary. End with the name of the host or hostess, telephone number, e-mail and RSVP notify-by date.
- 5). Finish with a brief note recommending the gifts. If gifts should consist only of diapers, explain whether they should be cloth, disposable or both. Include a range of sizes beyond "newborn" for the disposable diapers, and specify brands if the parents have a preference. If diaper-related gifts are welcome as well, provide suggestions such as baby powder, wipes, lotion and diaper pins.