Technology Programming

How to Do a Permutation in Python

    • 1). Import the "itertools" module:

      import itertools

    • 2). Assign all values in the set to a variable. Suppose that you need to determine the number of ways 2 members from a sorority of 5 students could be elected into positions as Vice President and President. Assuming their names are Angela, Cindy, Jan, Marsha and Beyonce, you would type the following command:

      permutation_set_variable = ['Angela', 'Cindy', 'Jan', 'Marsha', 'Beyonce']

    • 3). Call the "permutations" function in the following form:

      itertools.permutations(set, r)

    • 4). Replace "set" with the variable containing the values and "r" with the length required. Given the example, you would type the following:

      itertools.permutations(permutation_set_variable, 2)

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