Technology computers-hardware

How to Place a Switch Behind a Verizon Router

    • 1). Place your Ethernet switch near your Verizon router. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the switch using one of the ports under the heading "LAN," or local area network. Depending on the model of switch that you are using, it should have five or eight of these ports.

    • 2). Plug the other end of the cable into your Verizon router's LAN port. Connect your switch to its power source, which is generally an AC adapter, and plug the adapter into an outlet in your wall. The light-emitting diode (LED) lights on the front of your switch should now appear.

    • 3). Connect your computer to one of the free LAN ports in your Ethernet switch using an Ethernet cable. Turn on the computer and open a Web browser. Try visiting various websites to ensure that your Internet connection is functioning properly.

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