Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Bluetooth Side Effects

    Electromagnetic Frequencies and Radiation

    • Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and radiation get in the way of the natural energy flow within the body by blocking normal cell growth and operation. EMFs are waves in the air that transmit information, data, and radio signals through the air and solid masses to reach the different devices. Bluetooth technology works in exactly the same way as cell phones and microwaves--through radiation; cell phones and microwaves have also raised a number of health concerns throughout the years.

    Weight Gain

    • Repeated exposure to devices that use active EMFs interrupts the natural energy flow of the body. According to the King Institute, weight gain is one of the undesirable side effects of repeated exposure to this type of radiation.

    Brain Cancer

    • Bluetooth technology is often associated with and used for hands-free cell phone devices that attach to the ear. Individuals who wear these devices constantly continually expose that part of their body right next to the brain to continual radiation, even when they device is not in use. This radiation, even in small doses, has an effect on brain cells and gets in the way of healthy operation over time.


    • According to EMF Blues, Soviet Russia aimed microwave radiation at their American Embassy to induce ambassadors from the United States with leukemia over a period of time. The radiation coming from Bluetooth technology isn't nearly as strong as that radiation was, but individuals need to be mindful of how often they expose themselves to these harmful radio waves, especially those that are more susceptible to illnesses because of another terminal illness or a weakened immune system.

    Other Side Effects

    • Bluetooth radiation affects everyone differently, but all side effects come from the basic fact that the microwaves interrupt with the ability of the cells to function and transmit energy naturally. Other side effects that have been associated with microwave radiation in Bluetooth technologies include birth defects or miscarriage, hair loss, Alzheimer disease, neck pain, and headaches.

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