Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Skin Care During The Winter Season

Skin care is important whatever the season is.
However, winter brings us cold and harsh winds that can affect and damage our skin.
What do we do during winter even if we're all wearing layers and layers of clothing? Here are some tips for skin care during winter: 1.
Winter wind is very harsh to the skin which can result to flaky skin.
It is best to use cleansers that are usually formulated for sensitive skin.
Exfoliation is a part of your skin care, but during the winter season you should try to lessen exfoliating because this can also make your skin drier especially in that kind of season.
Nothing will ever beat moisturizing your skin daily.
This is actually easy because this is already part of our skin care, so this will be difficult to forget.
Moisturizing can help your dry skin caused by the winter days.
Moisturizers with vitamin E and glycerin will work best.
Our skin around the eyes is very thin and with its thinness it can absorb the impact of the chilly weather.
Eye creams will play a big part during the winter season, putting on eye creams will keep it from getting dry.
Apply hand creams and foot creams to avoid cracking and drying of the skin during this season.
Applying lip balms or lip gloss will help.
The chilly weather can cause chapped lips.
It is very important to use moisturizers during this season, well, in fact you can use moisturizers no matter what the season is for your skin care but this is highly-recommended during the winter season.
It will help moistened the skin and keep it from cracking or drying.
Following these tips on how to cake of your skin during the winter will really help with your skin care and will really improve the skin during this kind of weather.
Even if you are covered in layers of clothing, the harsh wind can still get to you and your skin.
So keep every part of your body moistened and drink lots of water to keep you hydrated.

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