Universal HealthCare Soup To Nuts
The United States is the only industrialized country that does not have comprehensive Universal Health Care for all its citizens. There are countless number of insurance plans available but not one that covers all of Americans. In fact there is so much duplication of these that it so confusing many people simply can't figure out what covers what. With the vast number of citizens who have lost their jobs, still are unemployed, homeless, or have their wages stagnant or even reduced simply can't afford to have any health care coverage. Sure, if you happen to be a millionaire then money would be no object in purchasing the kind of quality health coverage that the United States Congress now receives from the tax paying public. The rest of us, the majority, are left to make drastic decisions regarding whether to sacrifice one thing or another just to be able to afford some sort of health insurance. Financial devastation has made it all but impossible to have quality health care insurance.
The staggering cost, the needless suffering of our citizens, and our jeopardized national security are all due to the fact that the United States has failed to provide Universal Health Care for all. With the current debate on how to solve the Health Care Crisis so far the President and congress still can't come to agreement on one single payer plan that covers every American. It is vital for this country's future that now is the time to agree and put aside the petty differences and support Universal Health Care similar to the European plans. It should be quite obvious that with over 300 billion wasted dollars each year Universal Health Care would eliminate this financial debacle. There is, in establishing Universal Health Care a way to eliminate the federal deficit, balance the budget, achieve national security and in general achieve National Economic Reform so that every citizen would be assured of financial security and actually being able now to prosper instead of facing financial and emotional turmoil. The first step in securing Universal Health Care is putting together a comprehensive single payer plan with these provisions. 1} Eliminate the Medicaid and Medicare insurance plans now and use the allocated funding that the federal budget now provides toward Universal Health Care. Shift the tax deductions from payrolls from Medicare and Medicare deductions to one deduction for Universal Health Care. 2} Additional funding will come from a $.01 tax on alcohol and tobacco, 5% sales tax on medical marijuana, and a $.02 tax on all non consumable items. A reform of the current income tax system to a 10% flat tax will aid in the funding of Universal Health Care. Eliminate the capital gains tax. By recouping part of the over 300 billion wasted will also aid in additional funding. 3} Imposing a cap on all malpractice insurance claims will aid in eliminating the staggering amount of needless test and procedures that are consuming time and money because of concerns of liability. 4} Guaranteeing physician choice for all. 5} Using the technology developed in computerizing all orders will eliminate the costly medical errors when drugs and medications are prescribed. 6} Having the physician determine when to discharge a patient. The current systems now have made it more costly because patients were returning because they were discharged too soon. This costs more and creates more human suffering. 7} Producing standard claim forms will aid in elimination of costly errors. 8} To provide this country by having more general practitioners available to where they are needed insuring that medical student will only be required to only pay back 50% of their student loans if they agree to serve two years after they finish medical school in areas of urgent need because of the shortage of general practitioners in that area.
With these provisions and there will be more it is apparent that Universal Health Care will push this country to a secure and prosperous future because with the establishment of universal coverage business that now provide health coverage but deduct the costs from there employees payrolls will be no longer required. Instead the funding that is deducted now will be added into each employees paycheck as additional gross income. Business will now be able to expand. This will have a domino effect across the entire country in that more people will have more income. "When more people have more deposable incomes to spend or pay down debt the greater economic impact on all economies." The elimination of Medicaid and Medicare will greatly ease the costly and complicated bureaucracy that is plaguing and draining this countries revenues. This country can ill afford to continue the way we have. The time to move forward is now. Let's prove to the rest of the world that the United States stands behind Universal Health Care and is now taking care of our own citizens.
The staggering cost, the needless suffering of our citizens, and our jeopardized national security are all due to the fact that the United States has failed to provide Universal Health Care for all. With the current debate on how to solve the Health Care Crisis so far the President and congress still can't come to agreement on one single payer plan that covers every American. It is vital for this country's future that now is the time to agree and put aside the petty differences and support Universal Health Care similar to the European plans. It should be quite obvious that with over 300 billion wasted dollars each year Universal Health Care would eliminate this financial debacle. There is, in establishing Universal Health Care a way to eliminate the federal deficit, balance the budget, achieve national security and in general achieve National Economic Reform so that every citizen would be assured of financial security and actually being able now to prosper instead of facing financial and emotional turmoil. The first step in securing Universal Health Care is putting together a comprehensive single payer plan with these provisions. 1} Eliminate the Medicaid and Medicare insurance plans now and use the allocated funding that the federal budget now provides toward Universal Health Care. Shift the tax deductions from payrolls from Medicare and Medicare deductions to one deduction for Universal Health Care. 2} Additional funding will come from a $.01 tax on alcohol and tobacco, 5% sales tax on medical marijuana, and a $.02 tax on all non consumable items. A reform of the current income tax system to a 10% flat tax will aid in the funding of Universal Health Care. Eliminate the capital gains tax. By recouping part of the over 300 billion wasted will also aid in additional funding. 3} Imposing a cap on all malpractice insurance claims will aid in eliminating the staggering amount of needless test and procedures that are consuming time and money because of concerns of liability. 4} Guaranteeing physician choice for all. 5} Using the technology developed in computerizing all orders will eliminate the costly medical errors when drugs and medications are prescribed. 6} Having the physician determine when to discharge a patient. The current systems now have made it more costly because patients were returning because they were discharged too soon. This costs more and creates more human suffering. 7} Producing standard claim forms will aid in elimination of costly errors. 8} To provide this country by having more general practitioners available to where they are needed insuring that medical student will only be required to only pay back 50% of their student loans if they agree to serve two years after they finish medical school in areas of urgent need because of the shortage of general practitioners in that area.
With these provisions and there will be more it is apparent that Universal Health Care will push this country to a secure and prosperous future because with the establishment of universal coverage business that now provide health coverage but deduct the costs from there employees payrolls will be no longer required. Instead the funding that is deducted now will be added into each employees paycheck as additional gross income. Business will now be able to expand. This will have a domino effect across the entire country in that more people will have more income. "When more people have more deposable incomes to spend or pay down debt the greater economic impact on all economies." The elimination of Medicaid and Medicare will greatly ease the costly and complicated bureaucracy that is plaguing and draining this countries revenues. This country can ill afford to continue the way we have. The time to move forward is now. Let's prove to the rest of the world that the United States stands behind Universal Health Care and is now taking care of our own citizens.