The Reason To Write Articles - The Traffic Will Likely Spend More Money With You
Article marketing traffic will spend more money with you in the long run because of the filtering process before they get to your website.
I just talked extensively about that process, but now let's take it a step further.
Now that the reader is on your list, the likelihood of that reader engaging with you is through the roof.
When you send out an email, the reader is more likely to actually read it and take action with it than someone who came from a low to moderate traffic source.
Plus, if you do your job right building MORE credibility with your first 10 emails in your campaign, your subscribers will look forward to getting your emails on a daily basis.
And that's the point right there.
Focus on building a relationship first before you start sending them tons of sales letters.
If this next statement is the ONLY thing you remember from this eBook, I'll be happy...
Every business is a people business.
Focus on helping people and you'll get amazing results.
Because article marketing focuses so heavily on building relationships with people (and a lot of it is subconsciously), the reality is you don't need a huge list to make a lot of money.
So when you send an email out to your list offering them one of your products or services, your list will be much more open to listening to your sales pitch.
In fact, your sales letters don't have to be 'world class' to be effective with article marketing traffic.
Truth be told, if you write a sales letter from the heart with the basic ingredients, your results will far outperform a professionally written sales letter.
That's because when you have the relationship built with your subscribers, they don't require a perfect sales letter in order to buy.
A traditional sales letter professionally written is good when it converts 5% of the time.
It's not uncommon to get a 12% - 15% conversion with sales letters targeted to article marketing traffic.
That's why article marketing traffic will spend more with you than any other traffic source.
By the time they get on your list, they already like and trust you (or at least the process is very far along).
People buy from people they like and trust, period!Let me repeat that...
People buy from people they like and trust.
I must say personally that I've bought a ton of information products from a variety of different online marketers.
However, the person I've bought the most products from, and who happens to be my main coach, is the person who I've built an amazing relationship with...
and I met him through article marketing.
I just talked extensively about that process, but now let's take it a step further.
Now that the reader is on your list, the likelihood of that reader engaging with you is through the roof.
When you send out an email, the reader is more likely to actually read it and take action with it than someone who came from a low to moderate traffic source.
Plus, if you do your job right building MORE credibility with your first 10 emails in your campaign, your subscribers will look forward to getting your emails on a daily basis.
And that's the point right there.
Focus on building a relationship first before you start sending them tons of sales letters.
If this next statement is the ONLY thing you remember from this eBook, I'll be happy...
Every business is a people business.
Focus on helping people and you'll get amazing results.
Because article marketing focuses so heavily on building relationships with people (and a lot of it is subconsciously), the reality is you don't need a huge list to make a lot of money.
So when you send an email out to your list offering them one of your products or services, your list will be much more open to listening to your sales pitch.
In fact, your sales letters don't have to be 'world class' to be effective with article marketing traffic.
Truth be told, if you write a sales letter from the heart with the basic ingredients, your results will far outperform a professionally written sales letter.
That's because when you have the relationship built with your subscribers, they don't require a perfect sales letter in order to buy.
A traditional sales letter professionally written is good when it converts 5% of the time.
It's not uncommon to get a 12% - 15% conversion with sales letters targeted to article marketing traffic.
That's why article marketing traffic will spend more with you than any other traffic source.
By the time they get on your list, they already like and trust you (or at least the process is very far along).
People buy from people they like and trust, period!Let me repeat that...
People buy from people they like and trust.
I must say personally that I've bought a ton of information products from a variety of different online marketers.
However, the person I've bought the most products from, and who happens to be my main coach, is the person who I've built an amazing relationship with...
and I met him through article marketing.