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How to Seduce Women by Becoming Their Friend - Two Tips

Ever wondered how to seduce women effectively? The answer may be less complicated than you think.
You can start by becoming their friend.
Friendship as a strategy in seduction has gotten a lot of flak because of the dreaded friend zone.
Men are scared to be called a friend because they think that they have less chances of becoming lovers with a woman if he is considered 'just a friend'.
But let me tell you, the friend zone is not scary if you have a ready strategy to never stay 'just a friend' for too long.
Defining what it is that makes women want to consider you as a lover is crucial in the dating scene.
So, what you need to do is to strategize how to progress from being a girl's friend to her boyfriend.
Here are some tips...
Seduction Through Friendship - Two Tips 1.
Share Your Experiences Getting her to do other activities with you is easy if you can establish yourself as her friend early on.
The stage of friendship affords the time and willingness to share experiences.
Since you're talking about topics that are safe, she opens up and relaxes in your company.
Start a conversation by talking about what you like, then encourage her to share her own interests.
When you find that you have things in common, which is inevitable, you can use those things as a springboard for the next step: hitting on her.
Hitting on her Once she becomes comfortable in your company, she will start wondering what you really want out of the interaction.
When she starts asking questions about your relationship status (whether you're single or not), you can take this as an opening to make your intentions clear.
Staying her friend for a long time without progress is not a good thing, and as soon as the opportunity arises, make it clear to her that you're hitting on her.
When you've built sufficient momentum and you've gotten to know each other better, you can start seducing her using innuendo and flirting.
Because she knows a bit about you, it's time to establish yourself as a guy who is hitting on her.
Then, she can decide inside her mind if she's OK with flirting or not.
At this point, she will be prepared to think of you as someone who is more than just a friend.
When you build rapport with a woman, you can flirt with her.
It's almost automatic, especially when you've reached the point in the interaction where poking fun at each other is ok.
When you add sexual overtures in the mix, the attraction between you and the girl intensifies.
If you really want to learn how to seduce women, you should work on this process we call "relationship ladders", which involves escalating from friendship to a sexual relationship.

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