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8 Easy Chores to Multitask


Why Multitask It?

Sorting and filing papers is tedious work, especially if you've let things pile up. The good thing about sorting papers is that once you get your categories set, it's a chore that doesn't require a lot of effort.

How to Multitask

I save my paper sorting and filing for once the kids go to bed. I pull up my recorded shows on the DVR and use the living room floor as my sorting ground.

At the end of the evening, I'm caught up on the latest primetime plots and my filing.

Dish Washing:

Why Multitask It?

Washing dishes was the most hated chore growing up in my house. Nobody ever wanted to be in charge of it. But the great thing about dish washing is that it's a repetitive chore. Very little thinking is required.

How to Multitask

I love using this as time to talk with my kids or my spouse. With two people working together, dishes wash more quickly. What really makes the time pass, is conversation about our day. You can also multitask the dishes, if you have a speakerphone. Calls to my mom are guaranteed to take at least an hour. If I multitask, at the end of the chat, the dishes can be done too.

Car Cleaning:

Why Multitask It?

One of the main reasons to multitask car cleaning is because it can seem like a constant battle to keep your car clean. Cars have become another living area to us, and require a nearly daily clean up to keep them in shape.

How to Multitask

Waiting for your car to warm up?

Waiting in the drive-thru lane behind a mountain of cars? Waiting to pick up carpoolers? Stuck in the pick up lane at your local school?

For many of us there is a lot of time spent in the car that is fairly unrelated to driving. Use these minutes to sort the glove compartment, bag trash, or brush of seats.

Bathroom Cleaning:

Why Multitask It?

In just a few minutes a day, you can maintain a bathroom and reduce the need for intense cleaning.

How to Multitask

If you've got a small cleaning caddy with all your bathroom cleaning needs, you can maintain a bathroom in just a few minutes. My best bathroom cleaning time comes every night when I supervise bath time. I've also been known to wipe down a mirror, put away sink clutter, or spray down a shower while I wait for my flat iron to heat up. These little minutes add up quickly.

Refrigerator Cleaning:

Why Multitask It?

Another frequent chore around our home, the refrigerator doesn't take a long time to clean out, but can be easy to forget. Combine it with another more regular activity to help you remember the things lurking in the back of the fridge.

How to Multitask

The best day to clean out your refrigerator is right before you go grocery shopping. I combine refrigerator/pantry clean up with making a grocery list. I'm able to tackle and organize these spaces in my home, and make sure I'm listing the items I really need. It's a good idea to make sure you do this close to your trash day, too.

Outdoor Cleaning:

Why Multitask It?

Outdoor cleaning and organizing can be labor intensive and easy to push off for another day. Multitasking your time can give you the motivation to get your outdoor areas clean.

How to Multitask

My kids love to have me outside with them while they play. I've found it's the best time to get through some of my outdoor chores. Sweeping the patio, cleaning patio furniture, and clearing litter are easy to do while you make sure the game of hide and go seek is being played fair. And to top it all off, the kids usually decide to pitch in and help, if I'll promise to be goalie later on.

Clutter Clearing:

Why Multitask It?

If I think about the items I want to part with for too long, I talk myself out of it. Multitasking clutter clearing is an easy way to turn a tedious job into a more efficient chore.

How to Multitask

These is another time when speakerphone comes in handy. Call a friend who you don't normally have time to talk to and let the conversation flow as you sort. I also like to listen to music that nobody else wants to hear in the house as I sort clutter. The Carpenters get turned on, and I'm sure to get at least an hour to myself to go through storage and pack up junk.


Why Multitask It?

You would think that a home as well-used as ours would not have anyplace that dust would feel safe to settle, but alas. We have our fair share. And moving all around the house with a duster isn't the most pleasant chore...unless you add some exercise.

How to Multitask

Trying to get a 20 minute aerobic workout into your day? Grab a feather duster and dust each room top to bottom as quickly as you can. It takes at least 20 minute for me to dust corners, molding, fans, fixtures, decorations, furniture, and more in each room in my home. Add some music and you've got a nice little work-out.

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