Health & Medical Self-Improvement

A Flaw in Goal Setting

Have you ever set a goal and felt disappointed because you didn't achieve it? Or have you set a goal and felt out of alignment with it immediately - or felt bad even if you did achieve it? Or have you ever set a goal and laughed at yourself when you set it? I've done all of these at different times in my life.
In fact, truth be known, I've done most of them more than once.
In the past goal-setting set me up for failure in one way or another, either because I didn't achieve the goal or because I didn't like myself while working towards the goal.
I had times when I'd begun working on my goals and felt physically sick.
I'd get sweaty hands, have the shivers and go all dizzy.
Funny thing was, when I backed off the goal, I suddenly felt better.
This shows the point I want to make about setting goals - and this point isn't rocket science, but it is, unfortunately, something that can often be overlooked.
When setting a goal you must make sure that you are working towards something you really want - the desire has to be there 100%.
You have to make sure the goal excites you.
I don't mean logical, blokey, "That feels sort of right.
" It can't be "In the brain excitement.
" It has to be an in your cells, "Wow!" and the possibility of achieving the vision literally blows you away.
Think back to when you fell in love for the first time and you couldn't focus on anything else - that kind of excitement.
This kind of excitement will do a couple of things: 1.
People around you will notice a transformation
and will offer help, move out of your way or do something that helps you 2.
You will want to start taking action
sooner rather than later When you feel excited things will begin to flow in your direction and you will start to take action that moves you towards your intention and your intention will begin to manifest in real life.
The more you practice this, the easier it gets.
The less it feels like a "spiritual practice" and the more it feels like a part of the way you just do things and things you want and people you want materialise around you.

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