6 Tips to Get Your True Love Back
Did you recently break up with your true love?The first thing you should do is re-evaluate the relationship.
Are you putting yourself through unnecessary drama over a relationship that wasn't meant to be? Are you are convinced that you will never be happy unless you get your ex back? Here are some tips to help you along the way.
1) Don't force the issue.
You will just scare you ex and they will build up a wall against you.
There will be plenty of time for passion about the relationship once you are back together.
2) Start to regain some control over your own life.
The self confidence you gain will make you more desirable to your ex.
Confidence attracts people like a magnet.
If you at least appear confident it is a step in the right direction.
To have a good relationship both parties need to be in control of their own lives.
3) Avoid appearing obsessed to your ex.
This makes you appear desperate.
Desperation is not an attractive quality.
Try not to call, text or drive by their house.
4) Give your ex some space and time.
This will give them a chance to miss you.
You want to give them some time to rid themselves of any negative feelings they have towards you.
This can only be accomplished with time.
5) Do not contact friends and relatives to find out what your ex is up to.
People who are truly you friend do not want to be put in the middle of your relationship.
They will resent you for it and not have anything nice to say about you to your ex.
Call them and act like you are still together.
Act like you normally would.
This will make them and your ex wonder.
6) Your first contact should be using snail mail.
Write a heart felt letter.
This should not be a continuation of the argument.
Accept responsibility for your part in the break up apologize.
Let them know that you are open to talking to them.
That you at least want to remain friends.
Using the mail will allow a cooling off period for you both.
Your ex will have time to miss your good attributes.
Tell them to call you if they would like to have a drink or some coffee and let them make the first move.
I know that the wait will seem unbearable.
You have a lot invested in the relationship and it should be worth fighting your best fight.
Later, even if you don't get back together you will know in your heart that you gave it your all.
Are you putting yourself through unnecessary drama over a relationship that wasn't meant to be? Are you are convinced that you will never be happy unless you get your ex back? Here are some tips to help you along the way.
1) Don't force the issue.
You will just scare you ex and they will build up a wall against you.
There will be plenty of time for passion about the relationship once you are back together.
2) Start to regain some control over your own life.
The self confidence you gain will make you more desirable to your ex.
Confidence attracts people like a magnet.
If you at least appear confident it is a step in the right direction.
To have a good relationship both parties need to be in control of their own lives.
3) Avoid appearing obsessed to your ex.
This makes you appear desperate.
Desperation is not an attractive quality.
Try not to call, text or drive by their house.
4) Give your ex some space and time.
This will give them a chance to miss you.
You want to give them some time to rid themselves of any negative feelings they have towards you.
This can only be accomplished with time.
5) Do not contact friends and relatives to find out what your ex is up to.
People who are truly you friend do not want to be put in the middle of your relationship.
They will resent you for it and not have anything nice to say about you to your ex.
Call them and act like you are still together.
Act like you normally would.
This will make them and your ex wonder.
6) Your first contact should be using snail mail.
Write a heart felt letter.
This should not be a continuation of the argument.
Accept responsibility for your part in the break up apologize.
Let them know that you are open to talking to them.
That you at least want to remain friends.
Using the mail will allow a cooling off period for you both.
Your ex will have time to miss your good attributes.
Tell them to call you if they would like to have a drink or some coffee and let them make the first move.
I know that the wait will seem unbearable.
You have a lot invested in the relationship and it should be worth fighting your best fight.
Later, even if you don't get back together you will know in your heart that you gave it your all.