Health & Medical Healthy Living

How to Live Well and Stay Healthy

    Make Healthy Choices

    • 1). Join a food co-op. Your family can benefit from the wide assortment of nutrients found in organic produce. Through a co-op, you will be able to enjoy fresh, organic produce at a reduced cost, as well as support local farmers. On a designated day each week, you can choose the local organic produce that interests you.

    • 2). Grow your own food. If you have a back yard, you can learn how to grow your own organic food to live well and stay healthy. Buy a book on organic gardening in your area, and start growing a few of your favorite foods. Growing your own organic food can be simple once you get the hang of it.

    • 3). Buy a water filter at your local hardware or home improvement store. Tap water is chlorinated in many areas across America. For a small investment, you can filter out chlorine and other contaminants. Install your water filter equipment on your faucet at home and be sure to change the filter itself every three to six months to maintain purity.

    • 4). Exercise on a daily basis. When you exercise, your body creates feel-good hormones called endorphins. Simply moving around and having a good time is another way to get a workout---take your kids to the park or play in the back yard. Enjoy life and take pleasure in the simple things. You can always find a way to find time for physical exercise, even if it means riding your bike to run an errand instead of driving.

    • 5). Get daily sunshine. This is a simple thing that can make a difference in your life without costing any money. Take a walk in the sun each day for 20 minutes or more. Enjoy the fresh air and clear your mind. You will feel better and get a daily dose of vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption and boosts your immune system.

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