Do You Create Through Inspired Action?
Do you create through inspired action, or destroy through forced action? My whole life I was taught when you really want something, you attack it.
You charge full force like an angry bull, ready to plow over any and every obstacle in your way.
One day it dawned on me though that I have a problem.
When you have a "forced" mentality, like I did, you tend to wear yourself out pretty quickly.
What was once an inspired action became a chore, that chore became a grind and that grind became nothing as I grew too tired to keep running against the wind.
It is true that we must remain highly focused on what we want at all times.
However, within that focus we must remain fluid.
Rigidity leads to a cease in creative energy.
I like to say to have a "fluid determination".
A river always knows its destination and nothing is going to stop it from getting there.
However, a single river can drift gently, and with great force.
It can carve through stone, and glide over the top.
It can crash down, and it can wind its way around.
It can do all of these things remarkably, at the same time.
The point is that a river doesn't try to flow, it just flows, and it always takes the path of least resistance to get to where it's going.
This is called the "law of least effort".
This is creating out of inspired action! We too can just flow.
When we surrender to the moment, take our ego out of the equation, and step back from the stress and chaos, we find ourselves able to redirect all of that wasted energy on creative solutions.
We find ourselves open to receiving help the universe is trying to provide.
Deepak Chopra says to "Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance.
There is no mystery to joining the flow of life because it's the most comfortable zone for the body.
" So the next time you find yourself in a stressful or forced situation, step back and refocus.
Remind yourself to have a "fluid determination" and you will be amazed at how quickly you accomplish the impossible! Stay Positive, Stay Focused!
You charge full force like an angry bull, ready to plow over any and every obstacle in your way.
One day it dawned on me though that I have a problem.
When you have a "forced" mentality, like I did, you tend to wear yourself out pretty quickly.
What was once an inspired action became a chore, that chore became a grind and that grind became nothing as I grew too tired to keep running against the wind.
It is true that we must remain highly focused on what we want at all times.
However, within that focus we must remain fluid.
Rigidity leads to a cease in creative energy.
I like to say to have a "fluid determination".
A river always knows its destination and nothing is going to stop it from getting there.
However, a single river can drift gently, and with great force.
It can carve through stone, and glide over the top.
It can crash down, and it can wind its way around.
It can do all of these things remarkably, at the same time.
The point is that a river doesn't try to flow, it just flows, and it always takes the path of least resistance to get to where it's going.
This is called the "law of least effort".
This is creating out of inspired action! We too can just flow.
When we surrender to the moment, take our ego out of the equation, and step back from the stress and chaos, we find ourselves able to redirect all of that wasted energy on creative solutions.
We find ourselves open to receiving help the universe is trying to provide.
Deepak Chopra says to "Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance.
There is no mystery to joining the flow of life because it's the most comfortable zone for the body.
" So the next time you find yourself in a stressful or forced situation, step back and refocus.
Remind yourself to have a "fluid determination" and you will be amazed at how quickly you accomplish the impossible! Stay Positive, Stay Focused!