Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes, My Story

All my diabetic articles relate to adult onset diabetes or commonly known as type 2.
I am not talking about type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes because I know nothing about either.
I have always had a weight problem and would put on weight for no known reason and then take weight off, and then put it back on.
Being married for 25 years I gained one kilogram per year.
When I recognized that I was a diabetic one Easter Saturday ten years ago while driving my taxi I did not realize that I would become very knowledgeable.
I first noticed something when I began to find it difficult in judging the distance of the car in front and behind.
I could not park the car between two other cars without having difficulties.
I had an unquenchable thirst and was forever looking for a bathroom/toilet/comfort room to get rid of that excess water from my body.
I knew something was wrong so I found a doctor that was available this Easter Saturday.
I had several tries at parking the car between two other cars.
I told the doctor of my symptoms and he said "I think you might be a diabetic" Die what, I thought.
I had never known very much about diabetes before so I was in for a steep learning curve if this was the case.
I was instructed to park the car for the duration of Easter and see my own doctor on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday morning came and I went to visit my doctor for his diagnosis and with a pin prick with his little machine he informed that I was a diabetic with a reading of 24mmol/L.
He was very concerned about my condition.
He told me that this disease would be with me for the rest of my life as he wrote a prescription for a number of drugs and giving me other instructions.
Doctor X told me that I needed a blood test to confirm all this and the results were even worse than I had contemplated.
I was diagnosed as · Diabetic · High cholesterol · High blood pressure · Obese My wife was very helpful and raced out and bought some glucose rich jelly beans, she didn't understand the situation either.
Some things diabetes should remember · Diabetics should have 5 meals a day, 3 main meals, breakfast, lunch & diner and two small meals mid morning and mid afternoon.
They should be spaced evenly throughout the day.
· The food should be fiber filled fruit and vegetables.
The reason for this is that it takes your stomach awhile to break the fiber filled foods giving you a lower and slower peak in your blood sugar levels, There is a limit imposed here, some experts say, just reduce your sugar intact as it is not the sugar that causes diabetes.
They are as wrong as it is the sugars and fats that have caused the obesity in the first place.
Obesity and being overweight is generally the trigger for diabetes.
So, no more sugars in anything, no more cola drinks, fruit drinks So, no more salt So, no more meat, now if you absolutely have to have meat, then you limit it to 10% and make sure no fat and no skin.
Do not forget to stay in contact with your doctor as he will help manage your diabetes, however if you want to change and reverse your diabetes you must adhere to the type of food you eat and to the things you drink.
There are several affects on this that can change your life forever.
· You will lose weight · You will lower your cholesterol · Lower you blood pressure · Lower your blood sugar level Remember you are what you eat You Can Do It

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