Health & Medical Acne

What Is The Quickest Way To Remove Acne Blemishes?

For many acne sufferers, nothing works as quickly as a chemical peel in removing acne blemishes.
A chemical peel is a medical procedure that involves the application of chemicals on the skin to "burn" the top layer of the skin.
Chemical peels are done by a specialist (usually, a dermatologist), and the environment where they are conducted has to be clean.
The client's face is washed to remove any excess oils, and then the hair and the eyes are covered because the chemicals can cause irritation.
In many cases, pain medications are given to control the pain that may come with deeper peels, but often it is not necessary to administer a sedative.
There are different chemicals used in this procedure, and the choice depends on the degree of burn you need and the effects you want to achieve.
  • Alphahydroxy Acids (AHA) that come in the form of glycolic acid, lactic acid, and fruit acid, are used for superficial peels meant to smooth rough skin out and improve the skin's texture.
    AHA peels can be done in less than 10 minutes, but while this makes them the quickest way to remove acne blemishes, they may need to be done several more times before you can really start to appreciate the results.
    Some people hasten the process by applying a cream that contains AHA day and night.
    After an AHA peel, it is normal for the skin to appear dry and reddish before it flakes and peels off (usually after five days).
  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) is used for medium peels to control fine lines and reduce superficial blemishes.
    TCA peels take slightly longer to be done than AHA peels, but like them, TCA peels require several more sessions before you can actually significant results.
    A tingling sensation may be felt after the procedure, in which case taking pain relievers can be of great help.
    Crusting and some degree of swelling may be expected after a TCA peel, but such should last for only about a week.
    After that, you'll be able to see new skin starting to emerge.
  • Carbolic acid is the chemical of choice for deep peels.
    Carbolic acid is stronger and powerful enough to treat even the coarse wrinkles.
    How long phenol peels take depends on the extent of the peeling.
    If only a small area is involved, the procedure can be done in just under 15 minutes, but if the peeling involves the whole face, it can take up to two hours.
    After the procedure, the specialist applies petroleum jelly on the treated area.
    No succeeding sessions may be necessary.
    After the treatment, however, you must expect your face to be a bit swollen, so don't be surprised if you won't be able to open your eyes, then.
    Your dermatologist may also discourage you from talking as doing so may stretch your skin.
    During the first few weeks, your skin will look red, but once the healing process is over, you'll begin to appreciate your new look.
If you have to go for chemical peels, have your dermatologist explain the details of the procedure to you.
You must be made aware of the dos and don'ts of what you are getting into.
One very important thing to understand is that it may take some time for the healing process to complete, and while healing is still taking place, stay out of the sun as much as possible as too much sun exposure can bring about a reversal of the effects of the chemical peels.
You may also need to avoid using cosmetics during the healing process as these can interact negatively with the chemicals.

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