How Does a U.S. Marshal Spend a Workday?
- The U.S. Marshals are responsible for a number of essential law enforcement duties, which can vary depending on the Marshal's location, qualifications, and experience. A typical day can involve a wide variety of duties, and no two days will look the same.
Most Marshals, however, begin their day with a workout (to meet strict fitness requirements) and then check in with their field offices for the day's assignment. - Marshals are key team members when it comes to investigations regarding fugitives from justice. Marshals work closely with members of other law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and national level to help apprehend wanted criminals that are missing or on the run. Aside from chasing down criminals within the United States, the Marshals also have field offices in Mexico and the Caribbean and enforce along the United States-Canada border. The Marshals also work with INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) on cases involving fugitives that cross international lines.
- One of the most famous responsibilities of the U.S. Marshals is to ensure the safety and security of people who are witnesses or have testified for the government on major crimes. The Marshals, as part of the Witness Security Program, assist witnesses with getting re-established in their new communities with their new identities. They may help the witness find new employment and other things necessary for their new lives and will follow up with witnesses to ensure that they are flourishing in the program.
- The U.S. Marshals are often tasked with moving high-risk prisoners to and from other prisons, to courthouses to testify, from country to country, or on other official errands. They are responsible for handling the prisoner directly, placing on any necessary restraints and ensuring that the prisoner is transported safely and completing any necessary paperwork.