Business & Finance Corporations

Working From Home Jobs - What They Are and How to Know What"s Right For You

What are "working from home jobs"? The answer may seem obvious but it isn't.
On one hand we are talking about methods of generating an income without the need to report to a typical job location.
But that definition needs to be developed if we are going to get an idea of what's out there.
Some might understand this term to mean a form of self-employment where one sets up one's own company and bases it at home.
In other words, you are self-employed and have your office and operations at home.
There are a myriad of careers, both full- and part-time that fit into this category.
The key here is that you have no employer.
You truly are your own boss with everything that implies.
As someone who is celebrating 25 years of self-employment, most of which involved home-based operations, I can tell you that it can be very rewarding and satisfying.
Others might understand working from home jobs to include employment scenarios where you are an employee of an outside company but are allowed to do much or most of your work from your home.
Sometimes the term telecommuting can be applied to this arrangement.
For many, this is very desirable because it couples the relative security that comes from actually being on the payroll of an employer, with the freedom from needing to report to a traditional job location.
The time and cost savings in not needing to commute to an office and pay for day-care is especially attractive to mothers of young children.
Which is right for you? Realize that there are a wide array of choices within each of the two categories of working from home jobs that we discussed above.
And realize that jobs with very similar responsibilities and functions could fall under either category.
Here's a quick check-list to help you clarify your thinking as to where you want to go with this:
  • Do you crave independence and are you willing to accept responsibility for the success or failure of a business?
  • Are you reluctant to leave the relative security of the monthly paycheck?
  • Do you prefer to work on a well-defined set of tasks, or are you comfortable with the multitude of responsibilities that come with self-employment?
  • Do you need immediate income or can you afford to wait until a business grows to the point where it can pay you a reasonable income?
  • What other personal or family considerations need to be factored into your decision?
  • What are your skill sets and your job experience?
  • Can you discipline yourself to work independently without supervision?
  • How do you feel about working alone without regular contact with others?
That list is not exhaustive, of course.
But hopefully I've clarified some relevant issues for you as you consider working from home jobs.

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