Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Severe Indigestion

If you suffer from severe indigestion you know just how brutal the pain can be this condition is initiated by acid reflux or GERD (gastronomic reflux disorder)many people around the world suffer from this condition.
Indigestion can cause hard pain in and around your heart.
This pain is caused by stomach acid being pressed into the gullet, which produces a burning sensation at the rear breast bone.
Therefore, the effects of indigestion are painful and very discomforting.
Classic indigestion signs are soreness and intense burning at the back of your breastbone, that is frequently associated with burping, and gas.
From time to time, an acidic flavor can be sensed in the backside of the throat.
Sings are often more sever after consumption of foods, particularly after big dinners.
Acid Reflux also gets worse once you drink some alcohol, coffee or after smoking one cigarette.
Indigestion typically is worse when you will try to rest after any of the above activities.
Indigestion sings might cease after you take an over the counter (OTC) medication for acid reflux relief.
But if you suffer from severe indigestion, it's usually recommended to take either Prilosec otc or Prevacid on a regular basis to eliminate the onset of acid reflux.
Lastly, if you are suffering from severe indigestion, continuous medication treatment is the best option this will prevent acid reflux from occurring.
There are three medications that might offer you fast release.
Here are some examples: OTC Antacids like Maalox, Gelusil and Rolaids.
OTC and recommended Proton drive inhibitors like OTC Prilosec, Nexium treatment, Prevacid or Protonix medicine.
You must always remember that taking pills all the time to heal your indigestion isn't the most ideal method to heal your body, so be certain that you will talk to a doctor.
You can also do a lot of thinks to prevent acid reflux try consuming smaller amounts of foods at slower rates.
Also avoid alcohol coffee and smoking as much as possible.

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