Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

Hot Work Permit Procedures

    Prepare the Work Area

    • Hot work presents an increased risk of fire. Equipment requiring hot work should be removed to a distance of at least 35 feet from any potentially flammable or combustible materials. If the equipment cannot be moved, such as a stationary pipe, all potential fire hazards must be removed from the area. If some fire hazards cannot be removed, they must be shielded with fire-retardant material to the greatest extent possible. Openings in walls, floors and ceilings must be covered with fire-retardant material. Floors must be swept free of dust or debris and may be watered down in some situations. Appropriate fire extinguishers must be immediately available for use.

    Fire Watch

    • Fire watch is a person or persons who are charged with observing the hot work to watch out for fire ignition. Fire watch personnel must be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishing equipment and must not perform other duties while maintaining fire watch. Fire watch is deemed necessary in cases where all potential fire hazards cannot be removed from the area, but the hot work is authorized to take place anyway. Fire watch may continue for 30 minutes to 1 hour after the completion of hot work to make sure no ignition takes place.

    Write the Permit

    • A hot work permit is a written document that authorizes specific hot work. Its purpose is to demonstrate a company's agreement to and approval of hot work through a person authorized by the company. The hot work permit contains a location, date, start and end times, description of the hot work to be performed, name of person or persons doing the work, a checklist of safety precautions implemented and any special requirements.

    Authorize the Permit

    • The permit-authorizing individual (PAI) is designated by the company to oversee hot work operations and to authorize hot work permits. The PAI cannot be the hot work operator, the person doing the work. Before signing off on a hot work permit, the PAI must inspect the proposed work area for proper preparation, verify the training of the hot work operator, confirm that all persons have the appropriate personal protective equipment, assure that equipment to be used is in good working order and establish a fire watch if it is required. Only after all these conditions are satisfied will the PAI sign the permit to authorize the work.

    Complete the Hot Work

    • After completion of hot work, the hot work operator will notify the PAI the work has been finished. Depending on the nature of the work, the PAI may re-inspect the work location and verify the hot work equipment has been stored safely. If required, the fire watch will remain on duty for the designated time period after work ends.

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