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How to Remove the Odor Left by Mice in Car Upholstery

    • 1). Put on rubber gloves and mix a concentrated household disinfectant liquid in a bucket with water, according to the label directions.

    • 2). Wet paper towels in the formula, as suggested by Environmental Health & Safety Online. Use these to wet areas on the upholstery where there's visible mouse urine or feces; throw the used towels away.

    • 3). Wet a sponge in the mixture. Sponge the disinfectant over the upholstery and the carpeting to saturate it with the mixture.

    • 4). Roll down the car windows and allow the carpet and upholstery to dry completely. This will take several hours to more than a day, depending on the weather.

    • 5). Sprinkle baking soda, as suggested by CarSpace, over the upholstery after the upholstery has dried. Use a dry sponge to spread it over the upholstery and leave it overnight.

    • 6). Vacuum the upholstery the next morning. If any odor remains, either repeat the baking soda procedure or spray the car's interior with a commercial odor neutralizer.

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