Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Write a Letter to Obtain Adjunct Teaching Positions

    • 1). State why you're qualified for the position you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a university history teaching position and they're looking for someone who can teach some courses about blacks in Latin America, mention that you've written a few scholarly articles over the past 5 years on this subject, and that you studied abroad in specific Latin American countries while in graduate school.

    • 2). Discuss your teaching philosophy. Talk about your motives for teaching students, how you would create and deliver your courses, and what you believe are the most important aspects of teaching. For example, if you believe students need independent assignments to prepare them to think critically in the workforce and not only in textbook readings, state this in the letter.

    • 3). Address your letter to the right person. If you're not sure who the head of a specific university department is, call the university to find out this information. Also be sure that the department head's titles and names are spelled correctly.

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