Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

How to cure eczema or psoriasis?

Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis that causes inflammation of the epidermis. The term eczema and psoriasis are sometimes confused by the dermatologist also. The difference between these two terms are that the eczema is considered as a symptom and it can be controlled by knowing the possible causes while psoriasis have to be controlled with some prescription drugs that are not good for liver so they have to be taken under a specialist doctor. Psoriasis is caused by stimulation in the skin cells life which leads to the development of thick, scaly white skin patches.

Some of the common symptoms of these diseases are redness of skin, edema, itching, dryness, flakes, blistering, oozing and in few cases bleeding also occur. These symptoms get worse when the patient suffers from any kind of stress or physiological problem. There is no dearth of the remedies to cure psoriasis and eczema.

Some of the effective eczema treatment is explained below:

Medications: Some of the individuals choose to use over the counter medicated shampoos on their hair while some use tar and tar shampoo. Ultraviolet rays, topical gels and moisturizers can be used effectively for Psoriasis and Eczema cure. Presciption drugs that include antibiotics and other drugs are also available for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Herbal remedies for eczema: Tea tree oil contains a compound known as terpenoids, which have antiseptic and antifungal properties. These properties make tea tree oil an effective remedy for the treatment psoriasis and eczema. This is a toxic herb which should be used externally only. Apple cider vinegar has alkaline properties which help to reduce the redness of the skin due to psoriasis. You can take this herb by adding one spoon in a glass of water and having it 30 minutes before meal. Another effective use of apple cider vinegar is that you can take bath from the water containing apple cider vinegar but you should not add more than 2 cups of it in a bucket of water.

Home remedies: It includes all those things that should be avoided that cause allergic reactions to your body. You should not wear tight and synthetic fabric clothes, avoid the things that give you sweat as sweat increases the irritation in the rash. Restrain yourself from taking hot baths as it will make your skin dry. The soap that you use for bath must be mild. Apply a moisturizing lotion after the bath and avoid the use of fragmented talc and perfumes.

Diet: The diet should include fresh citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, green tea, turmeric, soy etc. Dark chocolate, coffee and walnuts have anti-oxidant properties and contain polyphones which help to kill the cancer cells.

Green tea and berries contain a flavonoid which increases the strength of the immune system. Banana is very good for the eczema and psoriasis cure. You can take banana or you can make a paste of banana by adding coal tar to it. This paste when applied on the affected areas will cure it.

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