Shelter Alternatives for Hot Tub Enjoyment
Hot tubs give people a chance to enjoy the outdoors during the winter months without being bundled up or cold. While the water is warm, the blowing wind, strong sun or falling snow and rain may affect how often they are used. By adding shelter or barriers, hot tub owners can spend more time using this appliance than checking on the weather. Fences, awnings, canopies, porches and trellises are some of the options available for protection from the elements. In many cases they also add privacy and a place to store hot tub spa supplies.
A fence that extends at least to shoulder height will create a wind block. Consider panels or picket fences for added comfort and privacy. Put a separate area around the patio or create a separate partial enclosure for the hot tub or spa. These can coordinate with fencing in the rest of the yard, or have a distinct look and feel, highlighting that there is something special behind the fencing.
An awning extended from the roof will provide cover from sun, rain and snow. A motorized awning will give the option for full sun when desired. Awnings also protect the open spa from leaves, acorns or pine cones falling from overhead trees. This will reduce the amount of manual labor needed to remove the extra debris from the water.
Use a trellis to provide a wind break and some greenery to make the area more aesthetically pleasing. Be sure to avoid flowering blooms too close to the area which will attract bees and insects. The area can also be enhanced with potted plants or ficus trees for added atmosphere and variation in height. Euonymus, morning glories and ivy are good trellis crawlers that will act as a barrier and add some greenery to the area.
Porches with or without a screen surrounding the perimeter provide privacy and cover. Depending on the type of flooring, water splashing may be a consideration. Use water-resistant sealer if needed. An open air porch is helpful for places that have a lot of precipitation, such as rain or snow, or a lot of evergreen tree cover. A screened porch is a practical source of protection from bugs or insects. Create an oasis inside by adding real or artificial trees in planters or other decorative enhancements. One advantage to putting a hot tub or spa in the porch is having a convenient place to store hot tub supplies. For example, hot tub filters and replacement parts can be kept in a nearby cabinet, along with spare towels, rubber ducks and other hot tub accessories.
A fence that extends at least to shoulder height will create a wind block. Consider panels or picket fences for added comfort and privacy. Put a separate area around the patio or create a separate partial enclosure for the hot tub or spa. These can coordinate with fencing in the rest of the yard, or have a distinct look and feel, highlighting that there is something special behind the fencing.
An awning extended from the roof will provide cover from sun, rain and snow. A motorized awning will give the option for full sun when desired. Awnings also protect the open spa from leaves, acorns or pine cones falling from overhead trees. This will reduce the amount of manual labor needed to remove the extra debris from the water.
Use a trellis to provide a wind break and some greenery to make the area more aesthetically pleasing. Be sure to avoid flowering blooms too close to the area which will attract bees and insects. The area can also be enhanced with potted plants or ficus trees for added atmosphere and variation in height. Euonymus, morning glories and ivy are good trellis crawlers that will act as a barrier and add some greenery to the area.
Porches with or without a screen surrounding the perimeter provide privacy and cover. Depending on the type of flooring, water splashing may be a consideration. Use water-resistant sealer if needed. An open air porch is helpful for places that have a lot of precipitation, such as rain or snow, or a lot of evergreen tree cover. A screened porch is a practical source of protection from bugs or insects. Create an oasis inside by adding real or artificial trees in planters or other decorative enhancements. One advantage to putting a hot tub or spa in the porch is having a convenient place to store hot tub supplies. For example, hot tub filters and replacement parts can be kept in a nearby cabinet, along with spare towels, rubber ducks and other hot tub accessories.