Why We Use Electronic Monitoring Devices
- Electronic monitoring makes it possible to reduce prison populations. Low risk inmates can be confined in private or personal quarters in areas other than jails and prisons. This not only reduces prison populations but reduces the impact of detention costs to house and feed an inmate.
- Courts often release those accused of crimes under their own recognizance. Electronic monitoring helps to eliminate marginal offenders who might be a flight risk left entirely on their own. Without electronic monitoring, many accused would be forced to remain in custody pending a trial.
- Electronic monitoring is an automatic way to keep tabs on parolees and those under any kind of court mandated probation. Regular electronic reports are forwarded to a computer which tabulates and records information about each parolee or probationer. Parolee management may be reduced by using electronic monitoring devices.
- Work release programs which allow inmates to work at locations away from correctional facilities benefit from electronic monitoring devices. Work release programs may reduce the number of correctional supervisory personnel necessary to monitor inmate work activity on a day to day basis.
- Increased numbers of pedophiles, sex offenders and abusers are being released from correctional institutions to reduce prison populations. This has caused communities to demand electronic monitoring of these individuals in programs meant to improve public welfare and safety.