Ab Machines - Do They Work?
Did you know that most of the people in the infomercials do not use the ab machines that they promote? As matter of fact, the first time they ever have used the machine is right before they go to film for their infomercial.
Before I give you the run down on ab machines, I wanted to give you a little more information of how these companies operate.
You see, these big companies profit from your wallets by promising that you will look like the person promoting the product.
What they do not tell you is that these people stay in shape year round by maintain a good diet and exercise program.
Some companies even go as far as doing the exact opposite of what they claim to do with the people promoting the product.
The way it works is they take the after photo first when they are in top notch shape.
They then pay the model to gain weight by breaking their diet.
They also stop exercising to make their physique nice and flabby.
As a result, they are able to take a photo of them out of shape and fat for the before picture when in fact it is the after.
The Truth Is Abs Are Built In The Kitchen All of the people on t.
follow a diet that consists of the right macronutrients.
They do not get caught up following the latest fad diets or exercise machines.
They stick to the proven strategies that have worked for them.
These secrets have been kept from you for a very long time, until now! In order to get a hard abdominal mid-section, you do not need to use ab machines.
As a matter of fact, you should not even train your abdominal muscles that hard or long.
It is great to exercise your abs as they will become firmer.
However, without a good diet and exercise program you will NEVER get the abs that all of these companies have promised you for all of these years.
Before I give you the run down on ab machines, I wanted to give you a little more information of how these companies operate.
You see, these big companies profit from your wallets by promising that you will look like the person promoting the product.
What they do not tell you is that these people stay in shape year round by maintain a good diet and exercise program.
Some companies even go as far as doing the exact opposite of what they claim to do with the people promoting the product.
The way it works is they take the after photo first when they are in top notch shape.
They then pay the model to gain weight by breaking their diet.
They also stop exercising to make their physique nice and flabby.
As a result, they are able to take a photo of them out of shape and fat for the before picture when in fact it is the after.
The Truth Is Abs Are Built In The Kitchen All of the people on t.
follow a diet that consists of the right macronutrients.
They do not get caught up following the latest fad diets or exercise machines.
They stick to the proven strategies that have worked for them.
These secrets have been kept from you for a very long time, until now! In order to get a hard abdominal mid-section, you do not need to use ab machines.
As a matter of fact, you should not even train your abdominal muscles that hard or long.
It is great to exercise your abs as they will become firmer.
However, without a good diet and exercise program you will NEVER get the abs that all of these companies have promised you for all of these years.